

Compositions Analysis and Products Investigation of Opuntia Milpa Alta

【作者】 季慧

【导师】 丁霄霖;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 食品科学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 1998年,国家农业部从墨西哥引进“米邦塔”食用仙人掌,因其产量大,具有营养及功能性成分而备受关注。本文对仙人掌各部分营养及功能性成分、仙人掌的体外抗氧化功能、仙人掌酒的加工工艺及仙人掌粉在焙烤食品中的应用等进行了试验研究。(1)仙人掌被分成仙人掌皮粉、渣粉和仙人掌汁三部分,对各部分营养成分及功能特性分析研究。仙人掌皮粉、渣粉和汁中高钾低钠,皮粉、渣粉、汁中钾钠含量比分别为56.1:1、36.5:1、13.4:1;仙人掌皮粉、渣粉中黄酮、多糖含量比较丰富,黄酮含量分别为2.31mg/g、1.64mg/g,多糖含量分别为256.3mg/g、263.2mg/g;对仙人掌粉的挥发性成分进行GC-MS分析,得出酸类物质相对含量较高,占峰面积的41.99%,醛类物质、醇类物质各占20%左右,酯类物质、酮类物质占3~4%,其次还有少量的胺类、呋喃类等物质;仙人掌汁中SOD活力高达213.06U/ml,多糖含量达196mg/g,黄酮含量0.302mg/mL、总酚0.699mg/mL;采用高效液相色谱仪对仙人掌汁有机酸分析得出,仙人掌汁以柠檬酸、苹果酸为主,含量分别为1.74g/L、2.95g/L;草酸未检出。(2)分别采用普鲁士兰法测定还原力、硫氰酸铁法测定亚油酸氧化抑制能力、共轭二烯法和巴比妥酸法测定脂质体过氧化能力、比色法测定[DPPH·]自由基清除能力、化学发光发测定超氧阴离子自由基[O2-·]清除能力,对仙人掌不同溶剂提取物的抗氧化性进行体外试验评价。结果表明仙人掌皮粉甲醇提取物、渣粉甲醇提物和仙人掌水提物在以上体系中均具有一定的抗氧化和清除自由基能力。(3)对仙人掌原汁进行护色与澄清处理,通过单因素和正交试验确定仙人掌汁较好的护色剂为0.03%Vc+0.01%Na2SO3、热烫时间3min、护色时间0.5h;酶解澄清的最佳工艺为酶解温度50℃、反应液pH为4.95、酶加量0.14g/L、酶解时间1.8h、CaCl2添加量0.215g/L,在此条件下测得仙人掌汁的透光率达94.2%,放置一段时间并无沉淀生成;利用处理好的仙人掌汁配制成营养丰富、风味独特的38o、42o、46o系列仙人掌酒。(4)把仙人掌粉添加到面包、桃酥中生产功能性焙烤型食品,结果得出:当仙人掌粉添加量为5%时,焙烤出的仙人掌面包从营养和感官评分最高;当仙人掌粉添加量为15%时,仙人掌桃酥品质较好;仙人掌面包、仙人掌桃酥中黄酮含量分别为:82.6μg/g、262.8μg/g,黄酮的损失率分别为28.6%、24.2%。

【Abstract】 In 1998, Nation Agriculture Department introduced Opuntia Milpa Alta(OMP) from Mexico, jt was paid attention to by its production and its nutritional and functional components. The nutritional and functional components of each part of OMP, the bioactivities of OMP were investigated in this paper. The producing process of OMP′s wine and the application of OMP′s powder in baking food were also evalates in this paper.(1) OMP was divided into three parts ,they were OMP′juice, OMP′powder and its residue. The nutritional and functional compositions of each part of OMP was analyzed. The result showed that Opuntia Milpa Alta was a kind of vegetable which contained high concentration Potassium (K) and low concentration Natrium (Na), the ratio of K and Na in peel, residue and juice was 56.1:1,36.5:1 and 13.4:1, respectivly; peel and residue have plenty of flavonoids and polysaccharide, the flavonoids concentration of peel and residue was 2.31mg/g, 1.64mg/g, the polysaccharide was respectively 256.3mg/g and 263.2mg/g;According to the result of GC-MS, we could see among all components of volatility, the comparatively content of acidic components was 41.99%, aldehyde and alcoholic was both about 20%, ester and ketone was also both 3~4% in OMP′powder ,secondly there were a spot of amine and furan; The superoxidedimutase (SOD) in the fresh Opuntia Milpa Alta juice reached 213.06 units per milliliter, the content of polysaccharide was 196mg/mL, the flavonoids concentration of juice was 0.302mg/mL,total phenolic compounds was 0.699mg/mL;According to the result of HPLC, we could know that the primary acids were citric acid and malic acid, the content of them was 1.74 g/L and 2.95g/L, respectively in OMP′juice; Oxalic acid was not detected.(2) The different extraction of OMP exhibited antioxidant activities in a series of in vitro test. Including reducing power test,anti-lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid and lecithin liposome,1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) radical and superoxide radical scavenging assays, with butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and ascorbic acid as positive control. The results suggested that the different extraction of OMP might play roles as radical scavenger and antioxidants.(3) With single factor and orthogonal test, the optimal decolorant was confirmed as 0.03%Vc+0.01% Na2SO3,temperature 85℃and time 3 min, time of decolorant 0.5h. Corresponding response surface analysis were used to obtain the optimal parameters of processing. The optimum conditions of extraction were as follows: 0.14g/l adding pectase , reaction time 1.8h, 0.215g/L adding CaCl_ 2,temperature 50℃,pH 4.5, the final juice had a transmittancy 94.2%. using this kind of juice, a series of abundant nourishment, unique flavor wine of OMP(38°,42°,46°) were developped.(4) Effect of OMP’ powder on the characteristic of bread and walnut cake, the result showed

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TS201
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】401

