

Study on Construction Planning of Jari Demonstration Plot of Ecological Agriculture in Ethiopia

【作者】 汪洋

【导师】 张斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业推广, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 根据联合国粮农组织、中国和埃塞俄比亚三方协议,为解决低收入缺粮国家的粮食安全问题,治理水土流失,中国南南合作项目派出中国农业及林业专家赴埃塞俄比亚建立示范区为该国提供可行的综合治理水土流失,合理利用自然资源实现粮食安全的依据。阿姆哈拉州是埃塞俄比亚水土流失最严重地区。建立加里生态农业示范区,是利用中国农林发展,特别是半干旱地区生态恢复、节水农业、水保、土壤改良与种植业成功经验,综合治理水土流失,实现粮食自给。 过度砍伐森林对生态的破坏,造成自然生态系统濒于崩溃,土壤营养损耗,由此导致水土流失日益严重,生态环境退化直接影响到农业。可耕地大量损失,农业经济发展停滞,使得粮食严重短缺。 生态恢复和农业发展问题早就被提出,国际上也给予了大量的技术和经济援助。但由于该国未建立整体完善的生态恢复的规划体系,治理措施单一,生态治理和农业危机状况日益严峻。 本文通过对加里示范区的现状研究,发现问题并分析了示范区不同景观内部元素的结构与功能的关系,遵循生态优先、因地制宜、低成本和可持续原则,合理利用不同景观生态资源,以尊重自然为基础,根据不同地段的结构区别将示范区内划分成不同的小型模拟生态系统,即示范区的森林生态系统,水域生态系统,农田生态系统,草原生态系统,庭院经济为主的院落生态系统,微生物净水生态系统等。依照生态景观的垂直分布:首先,通过封山育林、退耕还林、建设生态林和经济林、侵蚀沟治理和薪炭林营建等多项综合措施恢复示范区森林生态系统,拦截地表径流;第二,保护和发展天然草场,退耕还草,划区轮牧,利用作物秸秆舍饲家畜,恢复草场生态系统;第三,水域的生态及景观恢复,防止低地表土流失,增强河岸自然景观,丰富湿地生物多样性;第四,采取合理耕作、提高土地利用率、改良土壤、合理作物布局、推广良种、覆盖栽培,同时结合水利工程措施,建设不同灌区,因地制宜实现高效节水灌溉,提高农田生态系统输出;第五,庭院生态系统,将畜舍、厕所、沼气池和住宅有机结合和秸秆回田,组成庭院能量流生态系统,最终实现从水的丛林截流、涵养,经蓄水池再回到农田的净水生态系统循环。

【Abstract】 According to the tripartite agreement signed by FAO, China and Ethiopia in a bid to settle the food-deficit issue of low income countries and harness the soil erosion, China’s South-South Cooperation Program has sent expert panels on agriculture and forestry to Ethiopia to establish demonstration plots which will provide feasible references to the country concerning the soil erosion and the food security issues by properly utilizing the natural resources. Amhara State has become the worst one in soil erosion situation. The establishment of Jari demonstration plot is to perform an integrated control over soil erosion, popularize Chinese experience in agriculture and forestry development and ecological recovery, especially in water saving agriculture, water and soil conservation, soil improvement and crop production.Over disafforestation has nearly resulted in the natural ecological system on the brink of collapse, soil fertility loss and soil erosion, therefore, the degradation of ecosystems has impacted directly on the agricultural development. The agricultural economy is stagnated due to the great loss of arable land; as a result, food shortage is severe.Actually, the ecology recovery issue has been posed for quite a long time, the international aid in technology and economy has been rendered from different channels. However, without an effective and integrated planning, the destruction to the forest ecological landscape has been becoming even severer; therefore, the past decade could scarcely see any development in agricultural production.Through the scientific research on the current situation, existing problems have been probed, and the structural and functional relationship of the factors inside the landscape has been analyzed. Meanwhile, various ecological landscape resources have been properly employed, and the topmost priority to natural factors has been granted. Based on the structural differences in different geo characteristics, we divided the demonstration plot into six small-scale model ecological systems which include forest ecosystem, wetland ecosystem, agro-ecosystem, prairie ecosystem, courtyard ecosystem and microorganism ecosystem. According to the vertical distribution of the ecological landscape, firstly, series reforestation techniques, such as closing hill for reforestation, returning land for farming to forestry, ecological forest and non-timber product forest establishment, integrated erosion control measure and planting firewood forest have been adopted in the planning for the purpose of intercepting surface water. Secondly, rotational grazing based on division of areas, grain for grassland, yard feeding with crop straw are performed to protect and develop the natural grassland and recover the prairie ecosystem. Thirdly, Improve wetland ecosystem and recover natural landscape on the river banks to enrich the biodiversity of Mille River so as to stop surface soil on lower land from losing. Fourthly, different agro-techniques are implemented including rationalization of cultivation, soil improvement, enhancement of soil output coefficient, scientific crop allocation, extension of improved variety and cover culture, together with hydraulic engineering of irrigation sections on farmlands on which water saving irrigations are treated in accordance with local conditions to increase the farmland ecosystem output. Last but

  • 【分类号】F342.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】377

