

The Comprehensive Benefits Study of Straw Covering on Chestnut Orchard in Mountain Region

【作者】 范宏伟

【导师】 杨国正; 王亚莉;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业推广, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对河南信阳山地具代表性板栗园连续9年的稻草覆盖试验,探讨了覆盖后栗园土壤水分、温度、肥力、栗树树体营养水平和栗实产量、品质、经济效益的变化等,结果表明:1.覆草提高了栗园土壤含水量,特别是在干旱山地栗园或在气温高、降雨偏少的极端年份更显重要。当对照栗园土壤含水量已接近栗树萎蔫含水量(10.3%)时,而覆草20cm栗园的土壤含水量达34.7%,为最适宜栗树生长发育的土壤湿度,差异显著。2.覆草对栗园表层土壤温度变化有明显的调节作用。6~8月高温季节,可降低栗园土温,从而避免表层土温过高引起表层根灼伤、减少了土壤高温而引起表层根系死亡情况;在9~10月栗树生长的后期,覆盖可延迟土温下降,更有利栗树根系生长、吸收、合成和积累营养物质。3.栗园覆草可提高土壤肥力。山地栗园连续多年覆盖稻草后,表层土壤有机质含量及全氮、全磷、全钾和水解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量皆有不同程度的提高;覆草后土壤的物理性状也得到改善,土壤容重降低、田间持水量和孔隙度提高。由于覆盖后土壤固相、液相、气相比例协调,因此土壤细菌、固氮菌数量显著增加。4.覆草提高了栗树树体营养水平和生长发育。栗园覆草后由于改善了土壤的水、肥、气、热生态环境,表土层总根量增加,根系分布范围扩大,提高了根冠比,有利于地上部树体健壮生长。同时各覆盖栗树的单叶面积、鲜叶重、叶绿素及叶片中N、P、K及其它矿质营养元素含量皆有不同程度的提高。地上部分良好的生长发育,为高产优质奠定了基础。5.覆草可显著提高栗树产量和栗实品质。覆草各处理植株产量和对照比都有不同程度地增加,1998~2001年年均相对增产幅度分别达40.5%、67.6%和75.7%。且有效地克服了板栗大小年。因此,栗园覆草后栗农的经济效益显著提高,同时也具有良好的生态和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The experiment about the straw covering on the soil in the representative chestnut orchard was done during nine years in Xinyang Mountain Region of Henan Province. Such indexes as soil moisture, soil temperature, soil fertility, nutrient level of chestnut trees, chestnut yield, chestnut quality, economic benefit were measured. The results showed that as followed.1.Straw covering could significantly increase the soil moisture content in chestnut orchard. Especially on the droughty mountainous orchard or in the weather of high air temperature and little rainwater, the effect of straw covering was more significantly. The soil moisture content of control orchard was up to the wilting moisture content of chestnut (10.3%). But the moisture content of treatment A(covering 20cm) was 34.7%. The difference between treatment A and the control was significant.2.Straw covering could evidently adjust the temperature in the top layer of the soil. In June and August, the high temperature in the top layer could nearly burn the chestnut roots to die. Straw covering could lower the top soil temperature, and as a result, reduce the risk of roots death of chestnut. In September and October, straw covering could delay the soil temperature decreasing. A higher soil temperature could promote the root growth, root absorbability, synthesizing and accumulating nutrient substance.3.Straw covering could increase soil fertility. After covering straw on mountainous chestnut orchard during the years, such content of organic matter in top soil, whole nitrogen, whole phosphorus, whole potassium, hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium were increased in different degree. The physical character of soil was also improved after covering straw. The soil bulk density was reduced. Field moisture capacity and porosity percentage were increased. The ratio of solid, liquid, air composition in soil was rational, so the number of soil bacterium and azotobacter were significantly increased.4.Straw covering could increase the nutrient level of chestnut trees and growth and development. The ecological environment of soil was improved, so the whole root quantity was increased and the root distribution was enlarged. The root to crown ratio was increased. Those could promote the growth and development of chestnut trees. Such indexes of treatment chestnut trees as single leaf area, fresh leaf weight, chlorophyll, and the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, kalium were increased in different degree.5.Straw covering could increase the yield and quality of chestnut. The yield of treatment was higher than the control’s. During the year of 1998 and 2001, the increased yield of average annual was up to 40.5%, 67.6%, 75.7%. And straw covering could reduce the happening of major or minor year of chestnut.Therefore, straw covering could significantly increase the economic benefit of orchard farmer. Straw covering had better ecological and social benefit.

  • 【分类号】S664.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】42

