

On Development Trend of Cropping System under New Situation Based on Sample Analysis of Xin Yang City He’nan Province .PRC

【作者】 李纯

【导师】 彭定祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业推广, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 采用综合集成法和经济学的分析法,选择农业发展新阶段的形势与任务作为研究内容,分析近年来全国各地耕作制度的改革与发展动向,并以河南省信阳市耕作制度的改革作为典型实例,研究我国未来耕作制度发展的基本准则和总体趋势。 农业发展新形势对耕作制度影响。(1)全面建设小康社会,农业增产、农民增收成为耕作制度改革的基本任务;(2)确保国家粮食安全,不断提高粮食生产的单产、品质和效益;(3)我国加入WTO后,比较优势原理引入耕作制度,市场导向作用更加凸现;(4)主要农产品总量基本平衡并出现结构性、地区性相对过剩,要求加快耕作制度和农业生产结构的优化升级;(5)实施农业可持续发展面临许多严重的制约因素,发展生态农业、三高农业、循环农业及其高技术农业、精准农业成为我国农业可持续发展的战略选择。(6)农业发展新形势对信阳市耕作制度同时带来正面与负面影响,给信阳市耕作制度发展增添新的机遇与挑战。 近年来全国各地耕作制度的改革与发展。(1)农业生产坚持以市场为导向、以效益为中心、以农民持续增收为目的结构调整,成效显著;(2)主要农作物向优势产区集中,一些各具特色、各显优势的作物带、产业带初步形成,作物布局向区域化、专业化、规模化方向发展;(3)复种指数呈波动式增长、复种方式向高产高效模式发展;(4)间混套作内容和形式不断创新,多种高产高效的复合间套作模式不断涌现;(5)连作作物及连作面积进一步扩大,但水旱轮作和旱地轮作作用不可替代;(6)土壤耕作呈现多样化,但从多耕多种向少耕精种方向发展;(7)土壤肥料形成以无机肥为主有机肥为辅的新格局,测土配方施肥成为趋势;(8)土壤水分管理向节水农业和节水灌溉技术方向发展;(9)农田病虫草害防治向高效、低毒、低残留的无害化防治技术和绿色食品生产方向发展;(10)农业科技和物质投入水平持续增加,农业综合生产能力不断提高。(11)信阳市农业生产结构调整和耕作制度改革向高效、优质、特色方向发展。 中国耕作制度发展的基本准则和总体趋势。(1)促进粮食增产和农民增收是耕作制度改革与发展的中心任务;(2)社会需求是推动耕作制度改革发展的基本动力;(3)可持续发展是耕作制度的根本原则;(4)农业科技进步和农业生产要素投入是耕作改革与发展的前提和基础;(5)转移农村剩余劳动力和提高劳动者素质是耕作制度改革与发展的关键;(6)农业结构应全面优化升级,逐步实现满足社会需求、农民持续增收和确保国家粮食安全三大任务(7)发展现代集约可持续的种植制度体系,大力推广运用高产高效种植模式;(8)丰富与完善高效集约的养地制度技术体系,实现农业可持续发展,不断提高农业综合生产能力。

【Abstract】 The papers uses comprehensive integrated and economics’ analytic researching methods, chooses the agricultural development and policy in new stage with the situation as research items, makes our future fanning systems trends integrating the throughout the specific practice of the reform and development of farming systems in recent years.1. The new situation of agricultural development influences fanning systems.(1)The basic tasks of the reform of the farming system is to comprehensively build a well-off society, and increase agricultural output and the income of farmers ; (2)Ensure national food security, and continually enhance the food production per unit area yield, quality and efficiency;(3)After China’s accession to the WTO, the introduction of the principles of comparative advantage fanning systems become more market-oriented role; (4)Main agricultural total output is basic balance while emerges regional and structural relative surplus ,which requires accelerating structural optimization and upgrading in agricultural production and farming systems;(5) The implementation of sustainable development in agriculture will face many serious constraints, It has become a strategic choice for sustainable development of agriculture to develop the ecological agriculture, three high-agriculture, cycling and high-tech agriculture, precision agriculture.(6) New situation of agricultural development brings negative and positive effects on cultivation system, and adds new opportunities and challenges to the reform of cultivation system of Xinyang City.2. The reform and development of farming systems throughout the country in recent years.(1)Agricultural production depends on the structural adjustment of the market trends , efficiency , purpose of continuing increasing income of the farmers;(2)Main crops centralized in the advantageous producing areas; Characteristic and obvious advantage crop and industrial belts have come into being, the layout of crops develops into the regional, professional trends;(3)Fluctuation growing in the number of growth, high-yield and efficient ways are the trends of the replant methods;(4)The innovation between contents and forms of mixed planting constantly occurs, high productivity and efficient multimodal planting emerges constantly;(5) Repeatedly-tillaged crops and areas will be extended, but water- and dry- land shifting-cultivated crops cannot be substituted.(6)Soil cultivation appears diversity, but there appears an orientation of multi-tillage and multi-cultivation instead of less-tillage and less-cultivation.(7)The soil structure is formed with the non-organic composition dominating its main parts and the organic ones being only the subsidiary.(8)Soil management develops to an orientation of economic agriculture and water-saving irritation.(9),The prevention and cure of the injurious insects and grass develops towards non-harmful prevention techniques of high efficiency, low toxicity, and low-residual, and of green-food production.(10)Both the level of agricultural

  • 【分类号】S344
  • 【下载频次】169

