

Diagnostic Values of B-mode Ultrasound and Normal X-ray Technology on Different Foreign Bodies in Canine Stomach

【作者】 郁辉

【导师】 邓干臻;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验利用B超诊断仪和X线机对犬胃内10种异物病例进行超声探查和X线平片的拍摄观察,并对犬胃内大小、形状、密度不同的异物(如棉花团、塑料袋、乒乓球、木块、电池、实心塑料球、骨头块、石块、玻璃塞、金属管等)的诊断效果进行了归类、比较和分析。结果显示,X线平片检查能够清晰、直观地显示胃内高密度异物(金属管、电池等),并且能够对其准确地定位;但对于胃内低密度异物(棉线团、塑料袋等)的显像效果不明显,甚至观察不到胃内异物的存在;胃内中等密度的异物(木块、实心塑料球)虽然能够通过X线显示,但其轮廓不十分清晰。B超对高、中和低密度异物都有一定的诊断价值,但对异物的性质不能辨别。胃内高密度异物(金属管、电池)由于与周围组织、胃内容物的密度和质地相差较大,声阻抗差较大,能够形成较强的声学界面,因而能够在异物表面形成较强的回声界面;胃内中密度异物(木块、实心塑料球)与周围组织、胃内容物的密度差较小,形成的声学界面较弱,回声较低;但由于这些物质结构均一,而超声又能够穿透这些物质,因而能够显示这类物体的外形轮廓。胃内低密度异物(棉线团、塑料袋)由于其内含许多微小气泡和液体,当超声穿透胃壁后大部分声波被反射,因此也能够产生较强的回声。 结果表明,B超对犬的各种胃内异物的诊断都具有一定的价值,其中对胃内低密度的塑料袋、棉花团的效果比X线平片检查的效果要明显,但不能显示胃内高密度异物的形状。对于中高密度的胃内异物,X线平片检查效果优于B超技术,并且对这些异物能够准确地定位。

【Abstract】 Ten different physical characteristic foreign bodies in canine stomach were checked with B-mode ultrasound and normal X-ray technology so as to evaluate their diagnostic values. The foreign bodies were different in size, shape and density (for example, cotton, plastic bag, ping-pong, wood block, battery, solid plastic ball, bone, stone, glass plug and metal pipe). The results indicated that radiograph could clearly show high-density foreign bodies with their shape, size, character and location, but couldn’t obviously show low-density and middle-density foreign bodies. Ultrasonograph could show all of the different foreign bodies in canine stomach, but couldn’t show their character. High-density foreign bodies greatly different from gastric tissue and the feed in stomach, could form lively acoustics interface. Low-density foreign bodies within much micro-air bubbles inside could form strong echograph.According to this research, the diagnostic values of B-mode ultrasound to low density foreign bodies (the cotton, the plastic bag) in canine stomach were better than normal X-ray’s, but the diagnostic values of normal X-ray technology were better than ultrasound to high density foreign bodies in canine stomach.

【关键词】 B超X线胃内异物
【Key words】 B-mode ultrasoundX-rayDogForeign bodies
  • 【分类号】S858.292
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】413

