

Study on the Application of Oak Products in Brandy Aging

【作者】 王霞

【导师】 李记明;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 发酵工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究选用烟台张裕葡萄酿酒股份有限公司的系列原白兰地,其中(高一号原白兰地)和(一号原白兰地)的名称是张裕公司对原白兰地分类的自定义;不同来源(法国、美国和中国)、不同加工工艺(青岛、烟台)、不同烘烤程度的橡木片;不同来源的橡木板(美国、法国);不同来源(法国、中国)、不同桶龄、新旧的橡木桶;以原白兰地作为老熟原料,分别用不同橡木制品进行老熟陈酿。对陈酿前后的原白兰地进行pH、单宁、总酚、色度等成分及感官质量进行了较为系统的研究。本项目明确了香气成分、多酚类物质、pH、单宁、总酚、色度等成分或指标在陈酿过程中的特征变化规律及相互关系,对白兰地陈酿工艺的控制和改进提出了初步方案;橡木片用于原白兰地的最佳陈酿时间为10d;最佳酿酒度为50%(v/v);中度烘烤的橡木片老熟的原白兰地效果最佳;法国橡木陈酿明显优于其它地理源的橡木,效果最佳;研究表明同种植物源和地理源的橡木、不同加工工艺生产的橡木片陈酿原白兰地的效果相差很大,甚至超过橡木种类的影响;研究证明橡木板浸泡原白兰地前期对酚类物质的浸提速度最快;橡木板浸泡一号原白兰地和高一号原白兰地的前五周,一号原白兰地萃取橡木多酚的速度比高一号快,但16周后,二者萃取多酚类化合物的量基本相同;橡木桶陈酿效果最好;橡木板陈酿原白兰地,效果比橡木片好,更接近橡木桶贮藏效果;研究证明了法国橡木桶比国产橡木桶陈酿效果好;新桶比旧桶陈酿效果好;不同产地或新旧橡木桶直接影响原白兰地中多酚类物质的含量变化,对原白兰地的香气成分也有一定的影响。

【Abstract】 Various oak products (oak chips, oak staves and oak barrels) obtained from different geographic locations (France, United States and China) and processed differently (light, moderate, heavy toast) were used to age original brandy products (No. 1 and Super No.1 ) produced by ChangYu LTD. Before and after the aging procedure, the various outputs were analyzed by using pH and chromatographic measures, and for content of polyphenols, tannins, aromas as well as sense quality.The analysis and evaluations are focus on the transformation of the original brandy during the aging procedure, and the interrelation of polyphenols, tannins and aromatic substances among others. The optimum aging time was 10 days and thus gives an optimum alcohol concentration of 50%(v/v). moderate toast oak chip is optimum to brandy aging.The quality of brandy made from oak products obtained from France was found to be better than those from oak products obtained from all the other areas.Significant differences existed in the final brandy products which were due to the different processing technologies used for the oak chips. This was despite the fact that the oak material was made from the same geographic areas.Original brandy attained the fastest extraction time of polyphenols from oak stave at the beginning of aging.When No.1 and Super No.1 original brandy were soaked in oak stave, the extraction of polyphenols in No.1 original brandy was faster than that in Super No.1, but finally they got the almost same concentration after 16 weeks.The aging effectiveness of oak barrel is best. The effectiveness of brandy aged with oak staves was better than that obtained from oak chips, and was near to that stored in oak barrels.The aging effectiveness of the French oak barrel is better than the Chinese oak barrel. New oak barrel has a better aging impact than the old one. The content of polyphenols in original brandy was directly influenced by the geographical origin of the oak barrels and how long the barrel had been in use.It also has some influence on the the aromatic substances.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TS262
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】386

