

Discussion on the System of Legal Notarization on the Change of Real Estate Right

【作者】 吴玉萍

【导师】 杨遂全;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 民商法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 关于房地产产权变动法定公证制度,我国仅在部委规章和地方性法规中有规定,而无法律层面的规定,实施效果较差。我国应否适用该制度以及如何适用,牵涉到众多民事主体的利益、关系到民商秩序的和谐。基于此,笔者形成了本文的基本思路。在阐述房地产产权变动法定公证的内涵并作比较法考察后,对学者的争辩予以归纳评析,并以房地产登记制度的缺陷为突破口,运用制度经济学原理分析得出在我国房地产产权变动中特定情形下适用法定公证的必要性。最后,指出引入法定公证应注意的问题,并提出立法建议。 本文的主要创新之处:首次对外国法中的相关规定作了全面系统的介绍和深入的分析;从制度变革必要性的角度更深入地论述了我国房地产产权变动中引入法定公证的原因;对我国房地产产权变动法定公证制度的构建更全面。本文综合运用历史分析法、经济分析法、比较分析法等多种研究方法,共分六章。 第一章为概述。房地产产权变动法定公证是指对于引起房地产产权变动的某些法律事实必须公证,不经公证不能发生物权变动效力的制度。 第二章为比较法考察。大陆法系重视事前预防,实行实质公证以实现国家对重大经济活动与重要法律行为的适度干预;英美法系重视事后救济,实行形式公证;日本虽继受了法国的制度但有所创新。大陆法系对房地产产权变动法定公证持肯定态度,其他则持否定态度。法定公证在大陆法系国家与登记制度相配合保证了登记的准确性和效率,但在各国其适用范围和效力却不同。 第三章为房地产产权变动中应否引入法定公证的争辩与评析。反对说过分地强调意思自治,将交易成本片面地理解为事先的成本而忽视事后救济成本;公证不仅有服务职能还有证明职能、法律监督职能等,公证业不能像律师业一

【Abstract】 In China, the system of legal notarization on the change of real estate right has been confirmed by the regulations of ministries and commissions and the parochial statute. Without a code in the level of law, it hasn’t been performed well. Whether and how to apply it in China are related to many people’s interest and the harmoniousness of the civil order. So the author formed the basic frame of this thesis. After setting forth the connotation of legal notarization on the change of real estate right and studying the rules about it in the foreign law, the author summarized and analyzed the scholastic contention, and regarded the system of real estate registration as a breach, and then concluded that it’s necessary to apply the system of legal notarization on the change of real estate right in special situations according to the principle of institutional economics. At last, the author pointed out the problems to which should be paid attention and put forward legislative advice.The innovation of the thesis is as follows: First, it’s the first time to make a comprehensive and systemic introduction and an embedded analysis on the rules about legal notarization on the change of real estate right in the foreign law. Second, according to the necessity to change a system, the reason for applying legal notarization on the change of real estate right in China has been analyzed more embedded. Third, the system has been designed more comprehensive and systemic. Historical analytical method, economic analytical method and comparative analytical method have been used in the thesis. There are six chapters.Chapter 1: The brief introduction. The legal notarization on the change of real

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】D926.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】394

