

A Study of Marketing Tactics about Lenovo Notebook Computer in China

【作者】 罗倩

【导师】 李蔚;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 工商管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 联想的国际化之路,因其影响巨大受到全国乃至全球范围的关注,而联想并购策略的实施过程将为处于探索和实践阶段的中国企业的国际化道路提供有力的参考。联想通过并购IBM的PC业务,迈出了企业国际化发展的第一步;而并购后如何通过两大业务的整合取得“1+1>2”的效果才是决定着联想并购策略成功与否的关键因素。 在合并的初期,联想制定了以稳定经营为核心的战略,重点保持联想和IBM两大业务的独立运行,以维护市场及业绩的稳定。通过接近一年的运行,稳定战略的实施取得了预期的效果,但各自独立的业务运行极大的限制了整合优势的发挥,来自盈利和竞争的压力要求联想在已基本确保合并初期的稳定过渡之后,必须尽快进行业务和组织的进一步整合,并从整体业务的角度进行战略和营销策略的统一规划。 本篇论文通过综合分析联想在整合初期的市场营销环境和营销活动的现状,从两大品牌整体业务的角度研究并制订出适合于在进一步整合基础上实施的联想笔记本电脑产品的营销策略,希望能对联想下一步的业务整合提供建设性意见。 本文的研究思路:针对合并后的联想在两个品牌的各自独立运行过程中面临的营销环境和自身能力等因素进行机会、威胁及优劣势分析,从而发现问题,并针对问题制订相应的解决方案——以需求为导向的差异化战略和双品牌战略,以细分市场为基础的营销组合策略。 本论文分为五个部分:第一部分主要对中国笔记本电脑市场的发展历程

【Abstract】 The. internationalization of Lenovo has attracted the attention not only from China but also from the world because of its large influence, since the practice of its incorporating the IBMPCD can provide Chinese enterprises in the process of internationalization powerful reference. However this is just the first step for Lenovo towards the internationalization to incorporate the IBMPCD. The key is to how to achieve the expected result — "1+1>2" — that means the incorporated business can do better than the two companies together.In the early days the incorporated group has worked out the strategy to keep the stable management as the core, and it emphasized to keep the two businesses operate independently for the stability of the market and gross sales. Though the expected result has achieved after nearly one year’ s practice, the independently operating of the two businesses has terribly limited the advantage of incorporation. Therefore the pressure which comes from profit-making and competition demands the two businesses not only to incorporate in professional business and organization after the ensured stable transition process, but also to have a unified plan of the marketing strategy and tactics. The article has comprehensively analyzed Lenovo’ s present situation of marketing environment and activities in the early days of the incorporation of two businesses. It has also worked out the suitable marketing tactics of Lenovo China’ s notebook computer

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】F426.671
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2175

