

The Growth of Katherine Mansfield’s Artistic Mind

【作者】 官雪梅

【导师】 李毅;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的时代正是英国文学由传统向现代转轨,现代派文学蓬勃成长的时期。乔伊斯、劳伦斯、伍尔芙等大作家的创作正势不可遏,一部又一部的长篇脱手而出。曼斯菲尔德却独辟蹊径,在一向为英国作家所冷落的短篇小说领域找到了耕耘的田地。她以敏锐的艺术感受力和天才的创造力,孜孜不倦的探索创作技巧,在短篇小说领域取得了卓越的成就,彻底地改变了二十世纪的英国短篇小说。因此,她长期以来被誉为“英语界的契诃夫”和“短篇小说里的乔伊斯”。 现代主义文学一个基本的特征是对人的身份进行探索。曼斯菲尔德作为一个具有多重意识和混合文化身份的女作家出于自身需要渴望获得一个可信、自然而稳定的身份。本文通过解读曼斯菲尔德不同创作时期的作品,分析自我探索主题在她作品内外的反复运用,找出她艺术思想和艺术技巧的发展轨迹,证明曼斯菲尔德对英国短篇小说由传统向现代转轨做出了独创性的贡献。 本文包括简介、六个章节和结论,选取曼斯菲尔德四个不同创作时期的具有代表性的短篇小说作为研究载体进行分析,从而看出曼斯菲尔德的短暂创作生涯中其自我观不断变化发展的过程。通过分析每个创作时期中的代表作,本文系统地论证了曼斯菲尔德作为一个生活在20世纪初期的女作家成长的心路历程。 简介部分简述20世纪初期文学领域对现代自我身份的探索以及女性作家在此领域所做出的独特的贡献。焦灼不安一直是曼斯菲尔德生活的基本特征。焦虑源于她的病痛以及对自我身份的不确定,而这也导致了她对自我近乎痴迷的研究。 第一章对曼斯菲尔德的自我观的形成过程进行分析,分为两节进行论述。

【Abstract】 The period of Katherine Mansfield(1888-1923), the New Zealand-born short story writer, critic and poet, witnessed the transition of British literature from tradition to modernism and the vigorous development of modernist literature. Such great novelists as Joyce, Lawrence and Woolf were at their creative peak and had produced novels one after another. KM, however, found her way in the field of short story which had long been neglected by other British writers. KM with her exquisite and delicate artistic sensibility and genius creativity, spared no effort in innovating and exploring short story techniques, made great achievements in this field, thus transforming the 20th century British short stories. She enjoyed a name of "Chekhov in English" and "Joyce in short story".One basic characteristic of modern literature is the exploration of identity. KM as a woman writer with multiple consciousness and mixed cultural identity, out of her own need, longed to obtain a trustworthy, natural, stable and fixed identity. Therefore, this thesis interprets KM’s representative works in her different creative periods, analyzes the theme of self-exploration inside and outside her works, and furthermore, follows the track of the growth of her artistic ideas and innovative techniques, and proves that KM has made her unique and irreplaceable contribution to the turning of British short story from tradition to modernism.The thesis is divided into six chapters besides introduction and conclusion. It analyzes the text of KM’s representative works in her four creative periods chronologically. Her short but creative career reflects her ever-evolving understanding of "Self. The analysis of her representative stories in each period systematically demonstrates the development of KM as a woman writer.Introduction is about the general knowledge of Modernist literary exploration of

【关键词】 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德自我面具技巧
【Key words】 Katherine MansfieldSelfMaskTechniques
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】I561
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】310

