

【作者】 廖帅

【导师】 薄煜明;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 具有浮空观测平台的分布式火控系统的构想,充分考虑了我国国土防御的实际情况。探测、跟踪和射击平台的分布式布置,能有效的克服地面屏蔽,填补远程防空武器的作战盲区,延长、延伸了防空装备超低空的作战反应时间和反应空间,提高了防空体系的超低空作战能力。浮空器的定位定向在这个系统中起着关键作用,它关系到目标坐标能否被测到和在测到的情况下能否以足够的精度提供给火控解算的问题。针对浮空平台实时定位、定姿态的难题,本论文提出了以地面目标坐标测定、地标和平台上实时视频图像处理相结合的解决方法,设计并实现了一个基于图像处理技术的浮空平台姿态测量系统。 本文首先简介了该系统使用的高速图像处理平台以及该平台的软件开发。随着DSP和CPLD/FPGA芯片集成度和运算速度的提高,出现了大量基于DSP+CPLD//FPGA的高速图像处理平台。本系统使用了基于TMS320C6416的高速图像处理平台DAM6416P。 对采集到的实时序列图像进行滤波处理后,本文通过最大类间方差法,对图像进行二值化处理,并对二值图像中各个信标点进行轮廓跟踪得到一组位置数据。轮廓跟踪算法采用的是经过改进后的目标邻域边界智能跟踪算法。 当浮空平台摇摆幅度较大时,地标上的某些信标点可能会偏出视场。本文就各种可能出现的情况分析信标点之间的逻辑位置关系,使轮廓跟踪得到的位置数据与各个信标点对应起来,实现地标的定位。接着介绍了姿态角的解算原理和步骤。 最后介绍了整个系统的组成、结构和系统程序的设计,并给出了试验结果。

【Abstract】 The firing control system with floating-observation-platform can raise air defense system’s low level battle-capability considering recovery of our country. The orientation of floating-observation-platform is very important to this system.With that problem, the measurement system of floating-observation-platform’s attitude angle based on image processing is designed, which is a part of a firing control system with floating-observation-platform. The system is designed to measure the platform’s attitude angle accurately that is very important to the orientation of floating-observation-platform and provide the firing control system with important target status information.High-speed image processing platform, based on DSP and CPLD/FPGA, is firstly introduced in this thesis. DAM6416P, based on TMS320C6416 and used in the tracking sub-system, is one of this kind of platforms.After preprocessing the sampled real-time image sequences, a series of position data can be got by combining thresholding with Ostu algorithm and beaconing contour tracking.And then, analyzing these data with the ubiety of beacon, we can find each beacon’s position on screen.Sometimes,the platform may shake acutely,and the beaconing can leave the eyeshot of CCD. So each orientation method in different scene is introduced in this thesis. Then the analytic theory and approach of platform’s attitude angle are discussed.The components and structure of the measurement system are also discussed. Finally, the experimental result is presented.

  • 【分类号】TP274.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】232

