

【作者】 韩松良

【导师】 刘卓林;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 长江公司是一家具有较大规模的国有化工公司。在日趋激烈的竞争环境中,长江公司为改善经营状况,迫切需要先进的营销理念和一套理论与实践相结合的科学的营销理论,以指导公司的市场营销工作。 本文通过分析公司的宏观环境和行业环境,预测了苯酐、DOP的市场需求;分析了行业竞争力量和公司内部环境,并结合公司营销实践,进行了公司SWOT分析;通过市场定位分析,明确了公司使命和营销战略目标。文章研究了公司的营销战略,包括增长战略和竞争战略。在公司的营销策划中,重点讨论了关系营销策略和绿色营销策略,以及支持战略执行的营销组合策略、营销组织设计和营销队伍管理。全文通过营销理论的系统阐述和公司营销实践的分析,旨在理清公司的发展战略思路,以形成公司的核心竞争能力和长期的盈利能力,使公司成为国内苯酐、增塑剂行业的领军企业。

【Abstract】 Changjiang company is a relatively large scale nation-owned chemical company. Changjiang company stringently needs the advanced marketing philosophy and a scientific marketing theory combined with the marketing practice to guide the company’s marketing as well as improve the management status in the increasing competitive environment.The dissertation forecasts the marketing demands of PA and DOP via analyzing macroscopical environment and the industry, analyses the industry’s competing force and the company’s internal conditions, carries out the company’s SWOT analysis on the basis of the company’s marketing practice, and defines the company’s mission and the marketing strategic target by the analysis of the marketing orientation. The dissertation studies the company’s marketing strategy, comprising the developmental strategy and the competitive strategy. The dissertation underscores the relationship strategy and the green marketing strategy, coming up with the marketing mix supporting the implementing strategy, sales organization and sales force management in the company’s strategic marketing planning. The whole dissertation systematically expounds the marketing theory and the company’s marketing practice, aiming at clarifying the reasoning of its developmental strategy to form its core competence and long-term profitability, and turning it to be the leader of the industry.

【关键词】 PADOP营销战略营销策划营销组合
【Key words】 PADOPMarketing strategyMarketing planningMarketing mix
  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【下载频次】194

