

【作者】 郑斌

【导师】 潘仁明;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 为了掌握超细微粒灭火剂的流动特征,本文用NH4H2PO4含量为90%的干粉灭火剂为主料,经超细化和表面防团聚改性处理,制得了粒度为6μm左右的基本超细微粒灭火剂试样;自行设计和制作了基于爆发原理的灭火剂施放装置,在10m3封闭灭火室进行冷喷试验,用激光颗粒浓度测量系统对灭火剂微粒浓度在灭火室中的分布进行了测量,并系统研究了施放条件对微粒浓度分布的影响规律。结果表明,用爆发式灭火装置施放超细微粒灭火剂后,在相对密闭的灭火室中的浓度分布并不均匀,其中角落处浓度最低;施放0.3s后,气流力对微粒流动影响消失,之后灭火剂微粒在重力和各种场力的作用下流动和扩散;施放2.5s后,灭火室内各位置的浓度值达到最大;施放后10min后,灭火室内除中部外其它位置浓度值下降明显,角落和地面附近浓度变化波动较大。动力气体发生剂装药的能量释放功率和灭火剂粒径对灭火剂施放效果有较大影响。功率越大,施放效果越好;平均粒径越小,施放效果越好。

【Abstract】 The flow ability of superfine particle extinguishant released from a special equipment was studied. The average particle size of the extinguishant is about 6μm , 90% of which is NH4H2PO4 as main ingredient. A releasing equipment employing bursting principle was designed and prepared. In a 10m~3 closed room, the extinguishant particle concentration distribution was tested by a particle concentration-laser measuring system under the alphlogistic condition, and the effect of releasing condition on particle concentration was also studied. The results indicate that the particle concentration in the room was not uniform, and the particle concentration in the corner is less, 0.3 s after extinguishant was released, the effect of airflow force on flow ability disappeared, and then the extinguishant particle flowed and diffused by gravity and other field forces. 2.5s after extinguishant was released, the particle concentration in each position got to the top. 10s after extinguishant was released, the particle concentration dropped apparently beside the mid position, and the variable of concentration in corners and near ground is more. It was found that drive energy of gas-generating agent and size of extinguishant particle have a great effect on the release of extinguishant. The more the drive energy is, the better the releasing effect is; the less the particle size is, the better the releasing effect is.

  • 【分类号】TQ569
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】273

