
基于Multigen Vega虚拟现实平台的开发与应用

Research and Application Based on Virtual Reality Platform Multigen Vega

【作者】 张继伟

【导师】 王树杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 工程热物理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 以基于Multigen Vega平台开发虚拟现实仿真应用程序过程为主线,本文对研究过程中所涉及的虚拟现实相关关键技术做出全面系统的剖析,结合实际重点论述了以虚拟现实技术为核心的虚拟帆船展示项目的研发过程。首先,本文论述了虚拟现实的实现基础——建模技术,对当今流行的各种3D建模软件优缺点做出较为详尽的分析比较,结合实验室基础重点介绍了基于Multigen Creator建模软件的建模方法,对当今流行的OpenFlight数据格式进行了分析,并对建模过程中涉及的优化技术做了介绍。其次,论述了基于Multigen Vega的虚拟现实仿真程序开发方法,介绍了Vega软件的系统结构,分析了Vega应用程序的工作流程,总结了Vega结合MFC开发Windows仿真程序的原理,结合碰撞检测理论给出了Vega仿真程序碰撞检测的实现方法。第三,论述了虚拟现实仿真过程中人物仿真的实现,对虚拟人的建模及运动分析作了介绍,提出了采用多建模软件实现人物模型快速构建及Vega的人物仿真的方法,实现了基于专业人物仿真软件DI-Guy的Vega环境下人物仿真。第四,论述了流体仿真理论及基于Vega的虚拟海浪技术,分析了基于波动方程的流体仿真方法及相关算法,采用数值法对求解过程做出了简化,详细介绍了Vega海洋模块的体系结构,给出了基于Vega的虚拟海洋仿真的开发方法。最后,论述了虚拟帆船展示项目的研发过程,实现了风帆动力的模拟,采用浮动平台实现了海浪的模拟,基于虚拟现实及运动控制技术实现了虚拟帆船与浮动平台的同步,给出了虚拟现实仿真程序的构建方法。

【Abstract】 This paper discusses the corresponding technologies related to Virtual Reality(VR) Simulation programming during the research, and represents the whole developing process of‘Virtual Sailing Yacht Exhibition’project based on Vega technology.First, this paper discusses the modeling technology of VR, makes comparison among several popular 3D design softwares. The paper introduces the Modeling technology based on Multigen Creator software as well as the popular OpenFlight model format. It also proposes the optimization technology of the models created for simulation.Second, the paper discusses the developing method for VR simulation based on Multigen Vega, introduces the structure of Vega software, analyses the developing steps, proposes a method for developing Windows style simulation programs combing Microsoft Foundation Class with Vega, and gives the collision detection principle of Vega.Third, the paper discusses the Character Simulation technology, proposes a rapid character modeling way by using multiple modeling softwares, realized the Character Simulation in Vega by utilizing professional Character Simulation software DI-Guy. Forth, the paper discusses the Fluid Simulation theory as well as marine simulation technology. Grid method is adopted for solving 2D wave equation. It also gives a detail description of Vega Marine module, and the marine simulation method based on Vega is proposed as well.Finally, the paper shows the developing process of‘Virtual Sailing Yacht Exhibition’project, discusses the coupling mechanism between wind and sail, realized the simulation of wind field, adopts 2 DOF motion platform for synchronizing the postures of virtual sailing yacht model in Vega and the Motion platform. Part of the Source Code for simulation is also given.

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1219

