

Translation of Yeats’ Poetry in China

【作者】 甘庭芳

【导师】 林本椿;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(1865—1936),诗人、剧作家。生于爱尔兰都柏林一画家家庭。一生创作颇丰,其诗吸收浪漫主义、唯美主义、神秘主义、象征主义、玄学诗的精华,几度变革,最终熔炼出独特的风格。他的艺术探索道路被视为英诗主流从传统向现代过渡的缩影。叶芝的诗歌不十分难读,他的语言优美流畅,平实规范;但也不容易读得懂更难读得全懂。这不但是因为诗人善变的诗风,更是因为诗人深邃的思想感情和经历,以及诗歌中象征主义的应用。作为一个始终以其整个身心写作诗歌的诗人,叶芝每一次的蜕变,都包含着一个艰难的思想历程,昭示着一次思想的升华。毕其一生,诗人都在勤敏地进行着不断的思想内省,不断地自我发展,不断自觉地通过自己的创作实践丰富和拓宽其诗作的创作技巧,创作领域和角度。正因为如此,即使在诗人垂垂老矣之时,其诗作仍焕发着勃勃生机。诗人在抒情诗歌、戏剧与文论写作上都很有建树。其独特的艺术造诣,一直以来都吸引着无数的读者。同时代另一位大诗人托·斯·艾略特称他是“二十世纪英语世界最伟大的诗人”。 本论文分为四大部分:第一和第二部分简要介绍叶芝的生平和他诗歌创作的几个主要阶段,并尝试评论叶芝抒情诗的主题思想和艺术特色。由于每位作家的作品必然会受到他生活的时代背景、经历、学识等因素的影响,译者只有仔细研究作者及其作品,才能译出好的译文。第三部分概述叶芝的诗歌在中国的翻译介绍的情况,并简要分析叶芝诗歌的译介对中国现代主义诗歌产生的影响。第四部分重点介绍和对比裘小龙、傅浩和袁可嘉等的几个译本,在这个部分主要运用文学翻译的原理,通过举例,分析比较以上译本在下列几个方面的得失,即:1)原作语言特色的表现;2)意象的传达与文化差异性的保持;3)原作风格的再现与意境的传达。

【Abstract】 William Butler Yeats (June 13, 1865—January 28, 1939), a foremost poet and dramatist of the English-speaking world, was born in a painter’s family in Dublin, Ireland. He was a productive poet in all his life. His poems, drawing the essence of romanticism, aestheticism, mysticism, symbolism and metaphysics, have experienced several significant changes and at last evolved into his own unique style. The road of his artistic exploration is considered the miniature of the classical-to-modern transition of the English poetry’s mainstream. It is not too difficult to understand Yeats’ poems, the languages of which read elegant and fluent with simplicity. However, Yeats’ capricious style, profound inner feelings and the great amount of application of symbolism to his poems make it harder for the readers to completely reach the real core of his poems. As a poet who had always been composing poems with heart and soul, Yeats experienced several times of metamorphoses, which involved a painstaking course of thinking and signified the evaporation of his mind. All his life, Yeats consistently worked hard at introspection and self-development, engaging in enriching and extending his writing skill, field and angle through his poetry composing. That’s why his poems rejuvenated even when he was old. Having achieved highly in lyrics, drama and literary criticism, the poet, with unique artistic fascination, has attracted a great number of readers all the time. T.S. Eliot, another great poet in his times asserted him as "the greatest poet in the world in the twentieth century".This paper is divided into four parts. In the first two parts I briefly introduce Yeats’ life and several major phases of his poetry composing. Meanwhile I make efforts at commenting on the theme and artistic feature of Yeats’ lyrics. This is due to the fact that every writer and his works are inevitably affected by the factors such as cultural background of his times, experiences, education and etc. It is impossible for the translator to produce a good version without probing into the writer and his works. In the third part, the history of translation and introduction of Yeats poems and the consequent influence on Chinese modernist poetry are summarized. In the fourth part special efforts are

  • 【分类号】I106.2;I046
  • 【下载频次】774

