

Biological Characteristics and Harmfullness of Paradeontacylix Sinensis

【作者】 张国明

【导师】 汪彦愔;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 动物学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 2005年5月,在福建省闽东海水养殖的河纯(Fugu spp)暴发流行一种寄生虫病,它们寄生于红鳍东方纯(Pugu rubripes)血液循环系统,对红鳍东方鲀伤害严重,死亡率几乎达100%。本文通过实地调查取样、活体观察及标本染色、测量等方法进行虫种鉴定,结果表明该寄生虫为中华拟德氏吸虫(Paradeontacylix sinensis)。中华拟德氏吸虫属扁形动物门(Platyhelminthes)、吸虫纲(Trematoda)、复殖吸虫亚纲(Digenea)、血居科(Sanguinicolidae)、拟德氏吸虫属(Paradeontacylix)。有关资料表明中华拟德氏吸虫首次在福建省海域暴发流行,严重威胁河鲀养殖业的顺利发展。为此,本文对该寄生虫进行进一步调查和研究,以达到有效防治该寄生虫病提供科学依据的目的。通过临床观察、取样、固定、切片等方法对中华拟德氏吸虫产生的危害情况调查和研究,结果表明,红鳍东方鲀感染初期不会造成红鳍东方鲀大量的死亡,但鱼摄食量逐渐减少直至停食。其主要致病因子为虫卵和成虫。随着虫体长大,成虫产卵,虫卵沉积于鱼体的各内脏组织和器官,形成大量的虫卵结节,造成组织坏死,器官功能下降或丧失。同时,长大的虫体堵塞血管、使血液不能正常流通,最终导致鱼体死亡。采用专用注射器通过肌肉注射药物对中华拟德氏吸虫病进行治疗实验,注射总数量达3000尾以上。结果表明,常规的渔用杀虫剂:吡喹酮(Praziquantel)、敌百虫(Dipterex)等均能起到杀虫的目的,但由于后期治疗的结果会导致死亡成虫堵塞血管,已被大量沉积的虫卵结节破坏的内脏组织无法康复。以至最终治疗效果不理想。本文通过大量的实验和调查得出中华拟德氏吸虫病应采用综合预防的措施,早防早治,方能奏效的结论。并提出一些实用有效的方法和建议。

【Abstract】 A new type of parasitic disease of Fugu spp. broke out in the eastern sea area of Fujian Province in May, 2005. The parasites inhabited the vascular system of Fugu rubripes, which caused severe damage to Fugu spp rubripes and loaded to the mortality almost up to 100%. By field sampling, viviperception, sample staining and measuring, the worm was identified as paradeontacylix sinensis. The relevant materials showed that it was the first time this kind of disease broke out in Fujian sea area, it caused a great threat to the development of fish breeding of Fugu spp.. Given the situation, this paper intended to make a further investigation into the parasite with the aim of offering reliable scientific data for the later effective prevention and control of the disease. The author made a detailed investigation and research into the harmfullness brought about by the disease by means of clinical observation, sampling, fixing, sectioning and found out that at the initial stage the disease did not cause massive deaths of Fugu rubripes, however the appetite declined gradually and ceased eventually. The main nosogenesis of paradeontacylix sinensis was the eggs and adults. With the growth of larva and production of eggs of adults, the eggs deposited in most tissues and organs of the fish and formed a large amount of tubercles, leaded to necrosis of tissues and declining and loss of functions of organs. Meanwhile, the grown-up larva may block the blood vessels, which will result in deaths. The author of the paper conducted a curing experiment by injecting medicine into the muscle with the number of subject fish reaching 3000. The results showed that although the conventional marine vermicides like praziquantel, dipterex could kill the parasites, it may cause blocking of blood vessels and malfunctions of inner organs and deaths in the end. So the curing effect was not ideal. After conducting massive experiments and investigations, the author proposed that the ideal effect could be achieved by a set of comprehensive measures as well as early prevention and treatment. Other effective methods and proposals was also advanced in this paper.

  • 【分类号】S941.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】65

