

The Division of the History of Erhu Music Composition in the 20~(th) Century and Its Artistic Features

【作者】 汪海元

【导师】 王耀华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 二胡音乐创作自1915年以来已历经近百年,本文旨在通过对不同阶段代表性的二胡作品进行解析,总结出二胡音乐创作中的规律性艺术特征,并结合社会历史的发展,从学理层面将近百年的二胡音乐创作划分为“三个时期”,即:第一时期——初创时期(1915—1949),第二时期——发展时期(1950—1979),第三时期——繁荣时期(1980—2000)。并进一步将其概括为“两种特性”,即1980年以前的“写实性”、1980年以后的“写意性”。 三个时期的二胡音乐创作各具特征:初创时期的单一性,表现在忧伤性现实题材,小型独奏曲体裁,单一的调性布局,简约的中西兼容技法等方面;发展时期的二元性,表现在歌颂性现实题材、强烈的地域性风格、中小型独奏曲并存等方面;繁荣时期的多元性,表现在广泛的题材、多样的体裁、创作技法的多元并存等方面。 三个时期的二胡音乐创作虽各具阶段性特征,但其中又有着内在的承接性,充分地展示了20世纪二胡音乐创作从萌芽、发生、发展到繁荣的嬗变过程。这个过程不仅仅是艺术自身的一种发展,并且很大程度上受到当时的社会生态环境、文化生态环境等多种客观因素的制约和影响。

【Abstract】 Erhu music composition has gone through about 100 years since 1915. Present study attempts to summarize its artistic features by analyzing the representative works in different periods. The author, from a doctrinal perspective in view of social development, divides the history of Erhu music composition into three stages: 1) the initial stage (1915-1949); 2) the productive stage (1950-1979); 3) the prosperous stage (1980-2000). He further sums up two styles: realistic (before 1980) and impressionistic (after 1980).Erhu music composition in different stages embodies different features: the initial stage is characterized by its simpleness with melancholy as its subject matter, minitype solo style, single mode arrangement and simple techniques; the second stage is featured by its duality with odes as its theme, strong regional style and small and medium-size solo, etc; the third stage is mult-facct in terms of its broad subject matters, varied styles and creative techniques, etc.Despite distinctive features of Erhu music composition manifested in different stages, there is a continuum of Erhu music composition in the 20th century from the embryonic state, initial stage to the productive and prosperous stage. Such a process not only shows the progress of an art itself, but also mirrors such objective factors as socio-cultural environments which may limit and influence the development of it.

  • 【分类号】J632.21
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】1811

