

GIS Technology Apply to Sino-German Afforestation Project Shaanxi Ⅱ(Yan’an)

【作者】 侯明

【导师】 李凯荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2005, 硕士


【摘要】 六大林业生态工程的整合与相继实施建设,以及林业跨越式发展战略决策的出台,标志着我国林业建设进入了全新的历史发展阶段。新形势下规模宏大的林业生态工程建设,对林业与林业生态建设的信息化提出了更高的要求。传统的林业信息管理方法、手段已经不适应现代林业生态工程项目管理的需要。利用信息管理系统进行现代林业生态工程管理已经成为必然的选择。林业建设的发展需要林业信息资源管理工作从理论到实践都要有所创新,有所作为,加快现代高新科技特别是“3S”等高新信息技术在我国林业工作上的推广运用,推动整个林业传统行业的信息化改造,全面提高林业与林业重点生态工程建设中信息管理工作“质”与“量”的水平。实施林业生态工程的信息化建设,完成对低效的传统林业工作方式的信息化改造,不仅能够提高林业生态工程的科技含量和建设成效,而且可以给传统的林业管理体制带来深刻的变革:利用“3S”技术和现代计算机技术,可以快捷地获取、准确地提供工程项目区的自然地理本底资料和现势资料,用于林业生态工程建设的各个阶段,把林业生态工程建设的规划、决策、监测和评价具体落实到造林小班,为生态工程建设提供种类丰富、真实与及时的地理空间信息;利用计算机和网络技术,通过建立办公自动化系统和宽带网络,实现林业生态工程的电子政务并通过网络定期向社会公布直观、准确的林业生态工程实施信息,吸引公众和社会各界的关注和参与,从而促进林业生态工程建设的社会化与可持续发展。相对于现有的信息管理手段而言,地理信息系统技术的引入和应用,可以为造林项目管理工作提供强大的空间数据处理、分析、查询和维护能力,可为林业重大生态工程项目管理过程中获取信息和决策分析提供一个有效的工作平台和现代信息技术的支持。本文以GIS技术在中德合作陕西二期延安造林项目中的应用为对象,通过在吴旗县项目区内的韩沟门造林作业区开展外业调查和有关资料数据的收集整理,以该造林作业区为例进行了包括GIS辅助规划分析、造林监测以及项目信息管理在内的较为系统的应用研究:在GIS软件的支持下,建立了作业区的DEM模型,得到了作业区坡度、坡向和海拔的分布;利用数字近景图像结合GIS影像处理技术以及小班实地调查资料,进行了造林成活率数字摄影监测与传统实地调查监测的对比研究,探讨了利用现代数字技术的发展成果提高造林项目管理工作科技水平和效益的途径;最后,应用GIS集成二次开发技术研究了项目现有信息系统的GIS集成开发。

【Abstract】 The implementation of the six major forestry ecological engineering programs symbolized a brand-new historical stage of the forestry development in China. Forestry ecological environment construction in China has large difficulty for implementation and large number of programs,science and technology progress is the key for the leap development of forestry in the new historical stage. Traditional forestry information management methods are already unsuitable for the management of modern ecological engineering programs. Carried on forestry ecological engineering management using modern information resource management technology is become the inevitable choice. In order to realize the leap development of forestry,the management work of forestry information resource demand innovation from the theory to the practice,speeds up popularize use of modern high technology especially the“3S”technology. The utilization of recent information technology in forestry is impeling the transformation of entire forestry to an information based industry, promoting the information management work of the major forestry ecological engineering to a higher level in quantity.To realize informatization of traditional forestry ecological engineering construction should support the forestry ecological engineering with modern information technology,improving its information management level and leading to a higher effect result. Moreover, it will bring profound transformation to the traditional forestry information management mode. Using“3S”technical and modern computer technology, one may gain the physical geography background information and current information of the engineering project area accurately and quickly, make use of it as valuable reference in each stage of engineering implement such as planning, decision-making, monitor等and carries out these works on the minimum afforestation unit. Using the computer technology and wide band network to establish automation office system and electronic government affairs system of forestry ecological engineering programs , the manager can promulgate the information of engineering implementation to the society regularly, well and truly with direct-viewing style,mobilize public and the whole society for forestry thus promotion socialization and sustainable development.

【关键词】 GIS中德合作造林吴旗
【Key words】 GISSino-German Afforestation ProjectWuqi
  • 【分类号】S712
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】110

