

Study on the Educational Mode of Polarizing Foresty Technique in in Xinjiang

【作者】 薛建明

【导师】 刘光哲;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业推广信息系统, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,新疆林业发展进入了新阶段,林业发展己由传统的森工型林业转变为以森林资源保护为主的现代林业,森林资源的管理也由粗放型经营向集约化经营转变,林业经济也随之发生了增长方式的转变。面对林业发展步入新阶段,要实现新疆林业的跨越式发展,最根本的是依靠科技进步和提高林业行业劳动者的素质。林业跨越式发展是促进农村发展、增加农民收入的一条重要出路。农业、农民和农村问题,是关系我国改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大问题。农民增收、农村稳定始终是农业和农村工作的主要目标。林业与农村发展息息相关。农村是林业的主战场,农民是林业的主力军,也是林业的直接受益者。因此,新疆林业技术推广工作也应顺应形势,由行政式与服务式推广向教育式推广转变,为新时期林业发展培养大批高素质的劳动者。教育式林业推广应该面向广大林农和林业技术工人进行,以新疆林业跨越式发展为目标,实施全面的林业岗位和生态技能教育,提高广大林业技术工人的从业能力和创新能力,但新疆传统的林业推广教育过分强调知识的系统性、逻辑性,对学生林业生产能力发展、个性和林业综合职业素质培养重视不够,课程缺乏融洽性、复合性和灵活性,实践教学质量不高,教学内容不适应上岗和转岗,实现教学目标的途径不畅等弊病,针对传统林业推广教育的弊病,我们应以新的职业理论、人本理念、终身教育观念为指导,借鉴国外林业推广教育先进模式,通过开发适应新时期专业课程体系创新林业推广教育模式,有效培养学生的林业职业素质。本研究以新的职业理论、人本理念、终身教育观念为指导,借鉴国外以职业能力为基础的CBE(Comoerency_Based Education)职业教育体系中的课程开发方法DACUM(Developing a Curriculum)方法,将中等林业学校森保专业教育教学目标及人才培养规格以可供选择的模块教学的形式具体化,从课程体系建设入手,在课程观、教学观、课程结构、教学内容价值取向、教学软硬环境建设等方面进行林业技术推广教育模式创新,同时,将开发的森保专业模块化课程在新疆林业学校进行实验,实验结果表明:模块化课程体系改革,突破了森保专业传统学科型课程体系,传统的课程观和教学观,明显提高了森保专业教育课程开发的相关性和有效性,进一步完善了学生从业知识结构和能力结构,提高了教师和学生林业职业素质和生产能力。本研究结果表明:通过林业技术推广教育课程体系改革来创新林业技术推广教育模式是可行的。它对提高林业技术推广教育教学质量,促进新疆教育式林业技术推广的发展,适应新时期林业技术推广人才需求是行之有效的。这对新疆乃至全国林业技术推广教育由外延式发展向内涵式发展转变、促进林业技术推广由行政式与服务式推广向教育式推广转变、推动新疆林业现代化进程均具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, forestry development has entered into a new stage. That’s to say, modern forestry based on source protection has been taken place of traditional forestry Labor. Its mode has transferred from extensive management to intensive management so that its economic shows an increasing change. To realize the leap over development facing with this stage, it is the most basic to depend on science technology and labors quatity. Moreover, forestry leap-over development plays an important role to improve rural development and increase peasant’s income.Agriculture, peasant, and the rural are related tightly with the whole modernization construction including reform and opening, ect. The peasants’income and rural stability are the main task in Agriculture .The rural provides the main battlefield for forestry and the peasants are the direct benefactors and main force.Therefore, to adapt to the new situation, forestry mode should transfer from the administer and service one to teaching mode, raise a number of labors with high quantity. Educational forestry extension should regard the jump development as the goal, take the whole position and ecological skill education for the peasants and workers in order to improve workers’professional and innovational abilities.But the traditional forestry extension existed many problems. For example, overemphasiszd the logicality and systematicness of knowledge, little attention on the students’abilily, personality and integrated quantity. The course is short of harmony, combination and flexibility while for the teaching, the low quantity and the content, the difficulty of realizing the task as well, are not adopt to go to work and change positions. But the traditional forestry extension existed many problems. For example, overemphasized the logicality and systematicness, personality, and integrated quantity. With these shortcomings considered, we should take the new profession, human resources and life-long education and observed the advanced mode from abroad.To develop the mode of popularizing education and raise effectively professional quality, this study take the new professional theory as the guide and absorb the method–DACUM of foreign advanced CBE(Competency-Based Education), at the mean time the teaching aim and

  • 【分类号】S7-4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

