

A Study on the Depilation Technique and the Physiology Changes of Flower Seeds with Villus

【作者】 李京春

【导师】 王飞;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 种植, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本实验以千日白(Gomphrena globosa)、千日红(Gomphrena globosa)、勋章菊(Gozania splendens)、天人菊(Gaillardia pulchella)四种花卉种子为试材,进行了种子化学脱绒技术研究,对三种不同的化学脱绒试剂进行了筛选,同时探讨了聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)对脱绒种子的修复作用以及对种子活力及萌发过程中生理变化的影响,为掌握花卉种子脱绒技术、提高种子萌发质量,达到苗壮、苗齐的目的,提供研究和实践依据。1.通过对千日白等4种花卉种子进行化学试剂脱绒技术研究,结果表明HCl和NaOH处理在浓度<36%时,对‘勋章菊’、‘千日红’、‘天人菊’、‘千日白’脱毛无效;一定浓度的浓H2SO4对花卉种子具有脱绒效果。2.用H2SO4进行脱绒处理,当浓度>60%具有脱绒作用,且浓度过大和处理时间过长时,均会对种子造成伤害。四种花卉种子均是用60%H2SO4处理1min,脱绒效果达到A级,且种子发芽率和发芽势最高。3. 4种花卉种子经脱绒后进行覆砂土培养、蛭石培养和不覆砂土培养基培养,花卉种子发芽率和发芽势表现为:不覆砂土的培养基培养>蛭石培养>覆砂土培养的种子;所以选择轻质、透气性好的培养基有利于提高种子的发芽率。4.用三种不同浓度的PEG-6000处理脱绒过的种子,结果发现,经PEG-6000处理后可以延缓种子细胞膜的损伤,并有利于膜的修复。20%PEG-6000处理四种脱绒花卉种子,可以提高花卉种子的发芽率和发芽势。与对照相比发芽率和发芽势提高了:千日白是9.3%、14.7%,千日红是13.6%、18.1%,勋章菊是44.8%、22.2%,天人菊是32.7%、13.7%。5.通过用20%PEG-6000处理脱绒花卉种子,测定了四种花卉种子在萌发过程中的生理生化变化,结果显示:20%PEG-6000处理提高了种子的SOD、CAT活性,降低了电导率与MDA的含量,增强了种子萌发过程中的抗氧化作用,增加了种子的抗逆能力,提高了种子的活力及萌发率。

【Abstract】 Aimed to master the depilation technique and provide the theoretical and practical basis for improving the seed germinating rate and seedling quality, with the material of four kinds of flower seeds with villus(Gomphrena globosa var Qianrihong, Gomphrena globosa var Qianribai,’Gozania splendens var. Xunzhangju and Gaillardia pulchella var. Tianrenju), the depilation technique was studied and 3 depilation chemicals were screened. The reparatory functions and the physiological effects of PEG-6000 treatment on the Germination of villus flower seeds were also discussed in this paper, the main result are as follows:1. The treatment of HCl and NaOH concentration less than 36% were inoperative on depilation of Qianrihong, Qianribai, Xunzhangju and Tianrenju. To some extent, a given concentration of H2SO4 were active to shed seed villus.2. The optimal H2SO4 concentration for depilation is 60%, high concentration or longer treatment duration will injurey flower seeds. 1.0 gram of four kinds flower seeds treated by 20ml 60% H2SO4 reached grade A with highest germinating rate and germinating potential our experiment.3. Four kinds of shed flower seeds cultivated in sandy, vermiculite and no soil medium, germinating rate and germinating potential are as follows: soilless>vermiculite>sandy medium. The light and loose medium is good at improving the germination rate of flower seeds.4. 3 concentration of PEG-6000 were use to treat depilated flower seeds, the result showed that PEG-6000 decreased the damage of depilation chemicals to the flower seed and 20% PEG-6000 can improve the germinating rate and germinating potential of shed flower seeds. Compared with CK, the germination rate and germination potential increased obviousely: Qianribai 9.3%、14.7%,Qianrihong 13.6%、18.1%,’Xunzhangju’44.8%、22.2%,’Tianrenju’32.7%、13.7%.5. The physiological changes of 20% PEG-6000 treated depilated flower seeds was measured, the results showed that the treatment increased activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), decreased MDA content and electrical conductivity, enhanced anti-oxidation and seed germinating rate.

  • 【分类号】S68
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】84

