

The Research of Adaptive Web Sites Based on Web Mining

【作者】 方成效

【导师】 袁可风;

【作者基本信息】 华东交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互连网技术和电子商务的迅猛发展,Internet正在前所未有地改变着我们的生活。越来越多的商品交易和服务通过Web来进行,如何更好地适应市场的变化、更好地为顾客服务成为各个网站关注的热点。为了更好地解决经营者和顾客的关系,自适应站点成为当前研究的热点。 用户访问站点的日志文件为我们提供了一个观察用户与站点交互的机会。本文就是通过对web日志文件的分析和挖掘来研究和构建自适应站点。 本文对构建自适应站点的基础理论和算法进行了全面的研究:分析了网站的类型和用户的浏览习惯;提出了全新的基于含弹出式页面的树形站点的会话识别和路径补充算法;给出了改进的最大向前频繁路径挖掘算法和目标页关联算法。 为了应用和验证以上算法,实现了基于J2EE的自适应站点系统MAWSS。该系统由数据预处理、站点调整、页面推荐和目标页关联四个模块组成,数据预处理是基础,站点调整是核心。

【Abstract】 With the swift and violent development of Internet technology and e-commerce, Web is dramatically changing our lives unprecedented. Because more business transactions and servies are carried out through the Web, better services for the need of Web-based applications and understanding the action of customers become the focus of attention today. In order to solve the problems of relationship between customers and providers, adaptive Web sites become to the focus of study at present.Logs of user accesses to a site provide an opportunity to observe users interacting with that site. Through web usage mining this paper aims to research and build the adaptive web sites.This article aims to provide a comprehensive research on the principles and algorithm of building adaptive sites. Through analyzing the types of websites and users’ browsing habits, it proposes a fully new session identification algorithm and trail path complementary algorithm for tree sites containing pop_up pages, and also provides the improved maximum forward frequent trail path algorithm and object page association algorithm.To practice and verify the proposed algorithm and realize the J2EE based adaptive site MAWSS, which consists of four modules: data pretreatment, site adaptation, page recommendation and object page association. Among the four modules, the data pretreatment and the site adaptation play a basic and central role respectively.

  • 【分类号】TP393.092
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】195

