

An Experimental Study of Removing Effect of Brucea Javanica Oil on the Endometrium of Hyperplasia of Rats

【作者】 李楠

【导师】 贺丰杰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西中医学院 , 中西医结合临床, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:观察鸦胆子提取物鸦胆子油不同浓度对大鼠增生过长子宫内膜祛除作用,明确其量效关系,探讨鸦胆子油治疗功血的机理,以便对临床应用提供可靠的实验依据。 方法:将健康成年SD雌性大鼠50只随机分成5组:A:正常对照组,B:模型对照组,C:鸦胆子油小剂量组,D:鸦胆子油中剂量组,E:鸦胆子油大剂量组。A组大鼠仅进行开关腹手术操作,术后第一天起以生理盐水灌胃,连续16天,于大鼠阴道涂片示动情前期时处死。其余四组大鼠通过双侧卵巢切除复合己烯雌酚灌胃,建立子宫内膜增生的动物模型。造模完毕后,B组大鼠宫腔内注射生理盐水,C、D、E组分别宫腔内注射小、中、大剂量的鸦胆子油,均于宫腔注药后5天处死。称取大鼠体重,子宫湿重,计算子宫指数,进行子宫内膜组织切片光镜观察。 实验结果: 1.鸦胆子油对大鼠体重无影响(P>0.05) 2.模型组动物子宫湿重及子宫指数较空白组均明显增加(P<0.01)鸦胆子油组大鼠子宫湿重及子宫指数与模型组相比均有明显降低。(P<0.01)(P<0.05) 3.鸦胆子油小,中,大剂量组两两之间相比较,小剂量组与中剂量组和大剂量组之间均均有差异,(P<0.05)中剂量组和大剂量组之间无统计学意义。(P>0.05) 4.子宫内膜组织光镜观察结果:正常对照组大鼠子宫粘膜上皮完整,呈单层柱状,腺体量多,间质疏松,血管正常;模型对照组大鼠子宫内膜的粘膜上皮完整,内膜明显增厚,上皮细胞呈高柱状,部分上皮细胞呈复层,腺体丰富,腺腔扩大,腺上皮呈假复层,间质疏松,血管正常;三个治疗组大鼠子宫内膜部分或全部坏死脱落,组织结构消失,腺体结构不清或消失,有的仅留下子宫浆膜层,坏死组织中有大量的中性粒细胞浸润,间质细胞固缩,血管充血。 结论: 1.鸦胆子油对大鼠体重无影响。 2.鸦胆子油使实验动物的子宫湿重明显下降,子宫指数减小。 3.鸦胆子油对大鼠增生过长子宫内膜有祛除作用。 4.鸦胆子油小剂量组与中剂量和大剂量组相比对大鼠子宫内膜祛除作用有差异,而中剂量和大剂量组相比对子宫内膜的祛除无差异。结合大鼠子宫光镜观察结果,

【Abstract】 Objective: the paper observes the removing effect of the different density of brucea javanica oil on endometrium of hyperplasia rats in order to define the relationship of dosage and result and discuss the mechanism of treatment of dysfunctional unterine bleeding. It can provide scientific information for clinical use.Method: the experiment took the femal SD rats as research object, 50 rats were randomly divided into five groups: (A): normal contrasting group, (B): model group, (C): lower dosage group of brucea javanica oil, (D): medium dosage group of brucea javanica oil, (E): higher dosage group of brucea javanica oil. A group was sham operation and on the one day after opertion, pouring 0.9% Nacl liquor into stomach which continued 16 days. When vaginal smear showed rats of A group were during proestrus and executed. Rats of B, C, D and E group were bilateral ovariomized and then respectively received different dosage diethlstilbestral which were poured into stomach in 100ug/ 100g B.M. On the 16 days , 0.9% Nacl liquor were injected into rats unterine cavity of B group. Rats of C, D and E group , Brucea javanica oil were injected into rats unterine cavity and were executed after 5 days. Then the B. M. and the moist unterine weight were got, endometrium tissue was observed with light microscope and evaluate the pathologic changers of endometria in these rats.Result:1.Brucea javanica oil had no effect on the B. M. of rats. (P>0.05)2. The difference between B group and brucea javanica oil group was increase all in the moist unterine weight and unterine exponent. (P<0. 01) The decline of the moist unterine weight and unterine exponent was showed between B group and brucea javanica oil group. (P<0. 01), (P<0. 05)3. Compared among C, D and E group, the difference between C group and D group was all siginificant. (P<0. 05) The same result had been showed between C group and E group. While there was no statistical difference in D group and E group.4. The result of endometrium tissue of all group observed with light microscope : The result of A group was that epitheliummucosae was intact and its cells were in single layer colum shape , the quantity of glands-body was large, the mesenchyme was loose and the blood vessel was normal. The result of B group was epithliummucosae obviously thicken, presented wave shape, its cells in high column shape, the quantity of glands-body was concentrated, some glands-body cavity enlarge . Its cells were layer upon layer and the blood

  • 【分类号】R285.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】169

