

Apply the Single Tube PCR Amplification Assays to Analyse the HLA-DRB1 Gene Polymorphism of Chengdu Hans.

【作者】 郭钊轩

【导师】 沈文律;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 普通外科, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 研究背景与目的意义 人类主要组织相容性抗原复合体(MHC)又称人类白细胞抗原(HLA),是目前所知最为复杂的遗传多态性系统,是调控人体特异性免疫应答和决定疾病易感性个体差异的主要基因系统。目前在人类学研究、法医学、免疫学、器官移植和疾病相关性研究等领域有广泛的应用。但因为HLA具有高度的多态性,其分布有显著人种、民族和地理的差别,使得某些基因的频率在不同种族之间差别很大。因此在研究HLA之前,必须先进行群体调查,建立不同民族基因数据库。直至目前中国人群HLA基因座基因多态性和分布频率的研究尚未充分进行,而四川汉族HLA-DRB1基因的分型资料更是空白。而目前对于HLA的研究,存在各种以PCR为基础的基因分型方法,虽比以往血清学和细胞学的方法大有改进,但仍觉繁琐,因此有必要寻找新型的方法,使研究工作更简便有效。此次应用新的DNA分型技术分析成都汉族个体HLA-DRB1等位基因分布频率,使以后HLA的研究工作更为快捷高效,同时为进一步研究HLA-DRB1与人体特异性免疫应答和疾病的关联提供背景资料。 材料与方法 1)材料 ①样品:四川成都地区三代以内无血缘关系的汉族健康个体的外周血标本90份各2mL,以EDTA抗凝,年龄22-67岁,男36例,女54例。②工具酶与生化试剂:10×Buffer,25mM MgCl2,2.5mM dNTPs,TaqDNA聚合酶。无水乙醇、饱和酚,氯仿,浓盐酸,氯化钠,Tris、EDTA,琼脂糖 2)方法 ①基因组DNA的提取

【Abstract】 [BACKGROUND & AIM] The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) , also called the human leucocyte antigen( HLA), is currently known as the most complicated heredity polymorphism system, and it is the main gene system adjusting the human body special immunity and determining the individual disease susceptibility . It is widely used in the fields of anthropology, forensic, immunology, organ transplantation and disease relativity etc.The HLA has the most polymorphism, and its gene distributing is obviously different in different ethnic groups, nationalities and geographical areas , which results in the distinct difference of frequency of some genes among the different nationalities. So before studying HLA, we must investigate the groups and establish the gene bank in different nationalities .Up to now the research of Chinese different groups on HLA local polymorphism and distributing frequency is not sufficient, and also Sichuan Han’ HLA-DRB1 gene typing data is absolutely blank. About the HLA research, there are various gene typing methods based on PCR, which are progressive comparing to the methods of serology and cytology . But they are still complicated, so it is necessary to look for

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】R450
  • 【下载频次】69

