

Research on Motor Control and Power System of the Rehabilitation Manipulator

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 付宜利;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,嵌入式设备迅速发展,应用领域越来越广。研究嵌入式系统下的多电机控制方法以及适用于嵌入式设备的电源系统对嵌入式设备的发展具有积极意义。本文以康复机械手系统为背景,结合国家自然科学基金“智能促动手(指)功能恢复医疗仿生机械手的研究”(批准号:60275033),根据康复机械手控制系统的功能需求,围绕电机控制及其电源系统进行研究。论文研究的主要内容包括:首先,根据系统对多电机控制的需求,结合SPI的工作原理,对多电机控制器进行了整体设计并划分了功能模块。利用Verilog HDL语言开发了FPGA控制程序,经过仿真和实验证实了该程序的正确性。其次,针对所设计的多电机控制器和SPI的工作原理,结合嵌入式Liunx下驱动程序和内核的工作原理,开发了嵌入式系统所需的多电机控制器的驱动程序并对其进行了内核配置。再次,在完成多电机控制器及其驱动程序的基础上,根据仿生康复手需要实现的康复功能及其硬件特性,开发了相应的API函数和底层控制函数,用来实现仿生康复手的各种康复运动和对运动过程中数据的采集、保存等操作。最后,设计系统所需电源系统。在对电源系统功能需求进行分析的基础上,得出所需电源系统的拓扑关系并划分模块,通过对各个模块的研究,完成满足系统要求的电源系统。

【Abstract】 Embed equipments develop quickly and apply widely. It is significance for embed equipments developing to do some research on motors control and power system which are based on embed system.The background of this work is rehabilitation manipulator. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China“Research on the Inteligent Motivated Clinical Bionic Manipulator for the Function Rehabilitation of Injured Hands (Fingers)”(under Grant 60275033). The work is aimed to solve the key problems such as motors control and power system for embed equipments.Firstly, the motors controller is designed to some modules for the system by studying SPI. The control program is programmed in Verilog HDL language. And the program is proved right by simulation and experiment.Secondly, the driver is designed by studying SPI, motors controller and the the embed linux kernel. And the put the driver into the embed linux operating system.Thirdly, on the base of the motor controller and the driver, the API function and bottom control function is designed studying the motors characteristics. The function can control the rehabilitation manipulator work well.Finally, the power system is designed into some modules by analyzing the power system which is required by embed system.

【关键词】 FPGA嵌入式Linux驱动程序内核配置电源系统
【Key words】 FPGAEmbed LinuxDriverKernel ConfigurePower System
  • 【分类号】TP241
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】310

