

The Effect of Rheological Characteristics and Ingredients of Ceramic Slurry on Properties of Ceramic Foam Filter

【作者】 韦保

【导师】 田竟;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 材料加工工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用有机泡沫浸渍工艺以氧化铝为主要原料,添加高岭土、滑石粉和二氧化硅成功配制的性能良好的泡沫陶瓷过滤器。本文查阅国内外大量的有关资料并进行了深入的理论分析和实验研究:通过粘度计对陶瓷浆料的流变性能进行了分析;采用高温物性分析和差热分析手段对降低样品的烧结温度进行了分析;通过测定样品的显气孔率、容重、抗弯强度、及抗热震性等对泡沫陶瓷过滤器的烧结性能进行了分析;利用XRD、SEM测试方法对样品的相组成和微观结构进行了分析。有机泡沫浸渍工艺要求浸渍用的浆料具有良好的性能。在浆料中加入适当的添加剂可获得高固相含量、均匀稳定、流变性良好的有利于浸渍的浆料。研究表明,水基浆料中加入质量分数为0.2%的分散剂PAM获得的浆料性能最优。随着浆料固相含量的提高,浆料的粘度呈升高趋势。随着剪切速率的增加,陶瓷浆料的粘度基本呈指数下降,流动曲线表现出明显的“剪切变稀”现象,是典型的假塑性型流体。陶瓷浆料具有剪切变稀及时间依附性,呈现正触变特性,满足浸渍工艺的需要。实验证明,未添加稀土氧化物和氧化物的试样的烧结液相转变温度为1325℃左右,而添加了稀土氧化物Y 2 O 3、CeO 2和氧化物MgO、TiO2助烧剂的试样的烧结液相转变温度在1290℃左右。所以添加了适量的助烧剂能降低泡沫陶瓷过滤器的烧结温度。研究发现,添加稀土氧化物Y 2 O 3、CeO 2和氧化物MgO、TiO2助烧剂,对试样的显气孔率、容重、抗弯强度和抗热震性都有很大的影响。其影响效果大小的顺序依次是: (Y 2 O 3 +CeO 2 )+(MgO+TiO 2 )>(Y 2 O 3 +CeO2) >(MgO+TiO 2)。研究表明,未添加稀土氧化物Y 2 O 3、CeO 2和氧化物MgO、TiO2助烧剂试样中含有少量的镁铝尖晶石,表面有粗大晶粒生成,而且表面有气孔存在。而添加了助烧剂的试样中主要相是氧化铝和堇青石,几乎无气孔,显微结构致密。

【Abstract】 The study successfully prepared a high-quality ceramic foam filter using Al 2 O 3 as the main raw material, and kaolin, talcum powder and SiO2 as the additives by the polymeric sponge impregnation process.This study proceeded the theoretical and experimental analysis by referring to a large quantity of interrelated data, both domestic and international: first, tested ceramic slurry by a rotating rheometer and analyzed several influencing factors on rheological characteristic; then analyzed the experiment of reducing sintered temperature by high-temperature physical properties analysis and DTA on ceramic samples;after made a array of analysis towards the performances of the samples by testing open porosity, bulk density, banding strength and thermal shock resistance.etc; finally observed and analyzed the phases and microstructure of the samples using XRD and SEM.The optimal properties of slurry was required by impregnation a polyurethane sponge with ceramic slurry. The high solid content, equality and stabilization, excellent rheological slurry can be obtained by using proper additives. In the study, the best ceramic slurry can be obtained by adding 0.2% quality content PAM; with the increase of the solid content, the viscidity of was higher; with the increase of shearing speed, the viscidity behavior index decreased, which was typically pseudoplastic and the shear-thinning characteristics; the viscidity of ceramic slurry can be induced to shear-thinning and depend on time. The suspension exhibits positive thixotropy which satisfies impregnation.The experiment results proved that the starting liquid temperature of the sample without additives was about 1325℃and the starting liquid temperature of the sample adding Y 2 O 3 ,CeO 2 and MgO,TiO2 was about 1290℃. So additives for sinter can reduce sinter temperature.The important effect of sample properties for adding Y 2 O 3 , CeO2 and MgO,TiO2 were discovered in study. The contrast to effect of sample properties such as open porosity, bulk density, banding strength and thermal shock resistance was listed as follow: (Y 2 O 3 +CeO 2 )+(MgO+TiO 2 )>(Y 2 O 3 +CeO 2)

  • 【分类号】TQ174
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】742

