

The Research of Chinese Traditional Bolt-dissolving and Diureses’ Treatment on DVT

【作者】 芦琳

【导师】 张甦颖;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨活血利水法治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成的临床效果及作用机理。阐释活血利水法的理论基础及临床意义。方法:将60例DVT患者分为西医治疗组,中医活血化瘀治疗组和中医活血利水治疗组三组,每组各20例,检测各组病人在用药前后总治愈率、症状体征、血流变学、凝血、纤溶、多普勒等各项指标变化。结果:临床研究表明,中医活血利水疗法可迅速消除DVT患者的症状与体征,具有改善血液流变学指标及抗体内、外血栓形成的作用。结论:中医活血利水法针对DVT血瘀与水肿并存的病理特点标本兼治,治疗效果安全、可靠,且优于西医治疗组和中医活血化瘀治疗组,丰富了DVT的治则治法,深化了“血不利则为水”的理论。

【Abstract】 Purpose:to discuss the clinic effect and mechanism of treatment of bolt-dissolving and diureses on DVT and expand the basic theory of treatment and of it’s clinic significance.Method:divide 60 DVT cases into 3 average groups : western medicine group, Chinese traditional bolt-dissolving group and Chinese traditional bolt-dissolving and diureses group, examine the changes of cure rate, symptom, rheology cruor and CDUS results.Result:Chinese traditional bolt-dissolving and diureses’treatment can promptly eliminate the symptom of DVT, improve target of rheology, restrain thrombosis.Conlusion:Chinese traditional bolt-dissolving and diureses’treatment can contrapose thrombus and dropsy of DVT, treat DVT safely and reliably. Its’result of treatment is better than the other two groups’.

  • 【分类号】R26
  • 【下载频次】185

