

A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Naming Addresses between American and Chinese College Students

【作者】 汪小祥

【导师】 朱跃;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 中外学者对姓名定义、分类及内涵都进行了较为深入的探讨,对姓名称谓的各种形式和姓名所传递的文化信息也进行了具体分析,然而这些研究大多存在以下不足:首先,只考虑某一特定语言的姓名称谓,未能研究出同一称谓在不同语言相同语境下的使用频率;其次,只重视姓名概念意义和联想意义,其实质与其说是姓名称谓研究不如说是姓名词汇研究;最后,主要采用的是定性研究方法,没有进行系统的量化分析,所以结论往往带有较为浓重的主观色彩。 本文在进行英汉姓名称谓对比研究之前提出了三个假设:一、相对权势、社会距离和性别是社会语言学领域中的重要因素,中美姓名称谓的使用可能受这三个变量影响且影响程度可能有差别;二、言语行为理论表明:人们每说一句话,同时实施言内行为、言外行为和言后行为,英汉相同姓名称谓使用时实施的言语行为可能有所不同;三、交谈双方的人际关系可以通过姓名称谓的使用体现出来,英汉同一姓名称谓呈现的人际关系可能有所差异。本文创新之处在于运用言语行为理论,采取定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法,对姓名称谓中常用的四种形式:“姓+先生/女士/小姐”、“姓+名”、“名”以及“绰号”在当代中美大学生中进行了较为系统的对比研究。 笔者在朋友们的帮助下对明尼苏达大学和圣地亚哥大学的120名学生和安徽大学、上海海事大学以及安庆师范学院的120名学生进行了问卷调查,并分别从圣地亚哥大学和安徽大学各选取40名学生进行了采访。中美大学生姓名称谓对比研究表明:一、在交际双方地位相等和不等两种情况下,同一姓名称谓在中国大学生群体中使用时出现的频率差距比在美国大学生群体中使用时呈现的频率差距大;二、中国不同性别的学生使用相同姓名称谓时出现的差异比美国不同性别的学生使用相同姓名称谓时显现的差异大;三、关于姓名称谓使用过程中实施的言语行为中美学生看法各异:首先,中国学生大多认为在使用“姓+先生/女士/小姐”、“名”以及“绰号”时,人们分别实施尊重、开玩笑以及侮辱三种言语行为,但美国学生基本认为人们在使用这些称谓时仅仅为了与人打招呼;其次,中国学生大部分认为“姓+先生/女士/小姐”、“名”以及“绰号”

【Abstract】 Scholars both at home and abroad have contributed a lot to the study of the definition, classification, connotation of names and the cultural information conveyed through the use of different naming addresses; nevertheless, several aspects are in need of improvement. First, the research is, to a great extent, a monolingual study, and thus unable to offer us a panorama with regard to the use of the same naming address in different languages. Second, great attention is only paid to the lexical level with the emphasis on the conceptual and associative meanings of English and Chinese names, which is suggestive of the fact that the study of naming addresses is by no means that of addresses but that of names. At last, the qualitative approach is overwhelmingly adopted, which might add some subjectivity to their research.The paper attempts to test the following three hypotheses. First, since relative power, social distance and gender are among the important factors in sociolinguistics, both the Chinese and American college students might be influenced by them in the use of naming addresses and the extents to which they are affected respectively might vary. Second, now that speech act theory makes it clear that when we utter a sentence, we are performing three different acts simultaneously: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act, the speech acts which are performed by the Chinese naming addresses might be different from those by their English counterparts if the speaker and the listener have a general relationship. Third, given that relationships are performed through the use of naming addresses, the relationship performed by a Chinese naming address might differ from that by its English counterpart. The originality of this paper lies in its adoption of speech act theory in the study of the four commonly-used ways of naming addresses: "(Mr./Mrs./Miss.) last name", "first and last name", "first name only" and "nickname" among current American and Chinese college students through the collaboration of qualitative and quantitativeapproaches.In accordance with the data collected from the valid questionnaires

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】H030
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】661

