The Study about Ma Wensheng
【作者】 汪纬;
【导师】 周致元;
【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 专门史, 2006, 硕士
【摘要】 明朝中期,社会政局动荡不安,阶级矛盾、统治集团内部矛盾以及民族矛盾交相激化。成化、弘治两朝,马文升凭借着卓越的军事才能和政治才能,以“治国平天下”为己任,积极投身于社会变革的潮流。其中成化年间,马文升协助项忠较好地处理了满四叛乱,这既消除了当时西北地区潜在的边疆危机,又使得固原这一抵御蒙古南侵的军事重镇变得更加重要,而马文升作为边防大臣开始在西北大显身手。巡抚陕西七年期间,马文升在剪除盗贼、安抚流民、筑城修墩、修茶马政和积极抗击蒙古入侵等一系列活动中取得较大成就,缓和了西北地区的阶级矛盾,在一定程度上改变了当时边防废弛的局面,大大增强了西北边疆的防御能力,并有效地遏制了西北蒙古民族的侵犯。马文升前后三次到辽东,整饬蓟门至辽东边备,缓解了蒙古势力东移对明朝北部边防的军事威胁;平定海西散赤哈叛乱,安抚女真各部,在一定时期内成功地维持了明朝、蒙古和女真各部之间的势力平衡,使得北方边境保持了很长一段时间的安定。马文升在弘治朝任职期间,由于得到孝宗的信任,始终被委以重任,达到了其仕宦生涯的顶峰。出任兵部尚书期间,他进一步完善以守为长策的战略方针,尽心戎务,在屯田、马政、边备、守御等方面贡献很大,多少改变了边备空虚的状态,使得弘治朝成为明朝中期和后期北部边防最好的时期。马文升才兼文武,不仅在巩固边防上屡建功勋,还在辅佐朝政上有所建树。他竭心尽力,忠于职守,勤奋治事,提出了许多治理国家的理论思想和对策,很多付诸实施并取得成效,如他曾建议孝宗斥逐奸邪、裁革传奉官、宽宥言官,提醒孝宗注意减轻百姓赋役、安抚流民、节省费用;尤其在改任吏部尚书之后,他注意培养人材,严格考核官吏,整顿官场秩序等等。整个弘治年间,社会相对比较安定,吏治相对比较清明,边防相对比较平静,出现了历史上的“弘治中兴”,可以说马文升是有很大功劳的。马文升给明中期日趋腐败的政治躯体注入了一些生机和活力,从而维持了明中期政局的稳定,减缓了明王朝的灭亡。
【Abstract】 In the middle of Ming Dynasty, the social political situation was in turmoil. Class contradictions, the internal contradictions of the ruling class and the national conflict became acute. Between Chenghua and Hongzhi dynasty, Ma Wensheng considered the state affairs as his personal responsibility .He resorted to his military skills and political ability, and devoted himself into the torrent of social changes. During the year of Chenghua dynasty, Ma Wensheng helped XiangZhong to deal with the insurrection of ManSi .It not only eliminated the latent border land crisis in the northwest at that time but also made Guyuan, the town of military importance that was built to resist the intrusion from northern Mongolia, became more important. Meanwhile, Ma Wensheng, as the minister of border defense, started to strut his stuff in the northwest. During the seven years as Constable of Shanxi, Ma Wensheng gained great achievement in a series of actions, for example: built frusta in fortification, annihilated cracksman, built the policy of horse, appeased the flow people and oppugned the intrusion of Mongolia actively. To a certain extent, these actions changed the slack defense of the frontier, relaxed class contradictions in the northwest, enormously strengthened its recovery capability, and repressed the attacks from the minorities effectively. Ma Wensheng went down to the east of Liao for three times. He completed the frontier defense from The Thistle Door to the east of the Liao, pacificated the Sachiha insurrection in Haixi, appeased the insurgence of the Nuchen, alleviated the military intimidation of the northern border defense caused by the east movement of Mongolia force, maintained the balance of power among Ming Dynasty, Mongolia and Nuchen successfully in a certain period, which made northern frontier keep a long period of stability. When Hongzhi emperor hold a post, Ma Wensheng was in his crest period to be an official and the middle of Ming Dynasty was just in development. Getting the trust of Xiaozong, the emperor, Ma Wensheng was appointed to get important task in Hongzhi reign: as the minister of war, he further perfected the strategic policy that considered defending as a long plan.
【Key words】 Ma Wensheng; Ming Dynasty; The Political Situation; Military Affairs; Political Affairs;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
- 【分类号】K248
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】394