

The Experimental Research and Application of Acoustic Emission On-Line Inspection of Vertical Storage Tanks

【作者】 姚舜刚

【导师】 应富强;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,在我国石油及其产品的储存显得特别重要,而作为储存用的立式储罐是必不可少的重要设备之一。立式储罐在使用过程中,受到多种不利因素的影响,不可避免地受到各种损伤。为保证立式储罐的安全,要对立式储罐开展检测,常规的无损检测方法需要在停机开罐情况下进行,检测费用高、耗时长、劳动强度大,还会造成一定程度的环境污染,并且很难做到全面检验,检验结果对缺陷的活性不加区分。声发射技术具有动态检测、在线检测、整体检测、对活性缺陷敏感、检测经济、快速等优点,可提高检测的有效性,降低检测费用,减轻检测劳动强度。广大储罐使用单位迫切需要用这种先进的检测方法来对他们的储罐进行检测,检验单位也非常希望用这种更有效的检验方法来开展检测工作,提高检验装备。为此,开展立式储罐声发射在线检测技术的试验研究,加快声发射技术在立式储罐检验中的应用、推广,确保立式储罐的安全运行,具有重要的理论和实际意义。立式储罐最容易发生问题的部位在储罐底部,储罐底部的缺陷中能产生声发射有效声源的最主要的两种缺陷是泄漏和腐蚀,本文针对现场立式储罐声发射检测的实际情况,选择以罐底板的腐蚀和泄漏为研究对象,开展立式储罐泄漏和腐蚀的声发射在线检测技术研究。主要内容是通过对立式储罐泄漏和腐蚀现象的分析,分析了立式储罐声发射的有效活动声源,通过制作模拟试验装置,进行了模拟试验,试验结果证明了立式储罐声发射检测技术的可应用性、有效活动声源的变化规律及有效声源的定位方法。以此为指导,开展了实际立式储罐的声发射在线检测应用研究,检测的结果用常规无损检测的方法进行开罐复验,结果证明了立式储罐的声发射在线检测是有效的、可行的。研究和应用的结果表明,立式储罐声发射在线检测技术具有重要的应用价值,应大力加强声发射检测技术的研究和推广应用工作。

【Abstract】 As the economic development goes so fast, the storage of petroleum and its products turns to be more and more important, so vertical storage tanks become absolutely necessarily important equipment. When we use the vertical tanks, they inevitably suffer from various damages such as corrosion, erosion, distortion, leak, etc. In order to guarantee the safety of vertical tanks, we need to test them periodically. Conventional non-destructive testing (NDT) methods can be used to inspect storage tanks only when they shut down and the bottom plates are cleaned thoroughly. Even so they have some disadvantages. For example, higher expenses, much more labor force and resulting environmental pollution to some extent. By using conventional methods, it’s hard to get a complete testing result, because they can’t find out active defects. However, AET has many advantages such as its dynamic property, sensitivity to active defects, whole monitoring one time, fast and economic inspection etc. It can greatly improve the efficiency of testing, and cut down labor force to minimum. Almost owners or users expect their storage tanks to be inspected by this advanced testing method. Meanwhile, the inspection companies also hope to apply this effective testing method to their work so that they can advance the level of inspection. Therefore, in order to make this technique effective enough to be used widely, it is necessary to do some experimental and theoretical study on the on-line inspection of vertical storage tanks.The bottom plates of vertical storage tanks are easier to break than other parts of them. The corrosion and leakage resulting from the break of tank bottom are main acoustic emission sources. This paper hereby did some research on the corrosion and leakage of tank bottom with the AET technology. This paper analyzed the mechanism of producing effective acoustic sources by analyzing the corrosion and leakage of storage tanks, and also verified source location methods and the reliability of AET technology by experimental study on test tanks or plates and field inspection of real tanks.The results from the experimental research and field applications have proved the great practicality of the AET technology, so we should apply this new testing method widely with our great effort.

  • 【分类号】TH878
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】206

