

【作者】 毕庆云

【导师】 罗文波;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 在法理学界,有很多问题至今也没有统一的结论,如法的本质、法律起源、法律规则的来源、法律的实质合法性之所在等等。但这些问题又是不容回避的,它们的正确解答会对一个国家的立法和法治化进程起到很大的指导作用。 本文从计量与标准的发展和法制化进程这一角度切入研究力图得到某些启发或推出某个结论。计量与标准的法制化进程同样具有法形成的主要特点和要素,并且这部分法律的发展历程有大量的材料可供探究,从这一角度入手有其可行性。 本文共分三大部分。第一部分回顾计量的起源与法制化进程和标准的发展过程。从远古时代结绳记事的记数活动开始,到秦始皇统一度量衡,一直到米制的确立和国际单位制的全球推广;从农业生产时期分散的初级的生产标准,到大工业时代标准的大量出现,到各国颁布大量国家标准到区域标准的发展最终到国际标准的确立和被广泛接受。整个法制化进程中是有规律可循的,本部分为第二部分的分析准备材料。第二部分首先从计量法制化与标准的发展入手进行分析。从群体内部相互认可到地区立法到国家立法到国际统一,在这整个过程中都是以民众的共同认可和接受为基础的。再从反向即国际标准的被接受入手来看去,因为国际标准是非强制执行的,各国的采用都是自愿的,它的被广泛接受正是以各国的共同认可和接受为基础的。标准作为科技规则,与社会科学法律一起对人们的行为起着规范与调整作用。从计量法制化与标准的发展进程可以明显地看出法律的起源与发展是一个共识的过程;其次分析共识论对于法律的实质合法性之所在是一个圆满的解释,阐明缺乏共识的行为规则是没有生命力的;最后述明将共识用法制化固定下来的必要性及影响共识的深层原因。第三部分简要分析法律规则来源的其他理论。着重分析了在我国法理界占主流地位的统治阶级意志论,此理论过于强调统治阶级意志而忽视民众共识对法治社会的确立是一个阻碍。最终结论与启示部分就全部内容作了总结,对主要观点进行了概括,简略提及我国标准化体系与共识的不符合之处和应改进之处。讲述了共识论对我国立法的指导意义。

【Abstract】 In jurisprudence, many problems still have not uniform answers, such as the nature of law, legal origin, the source of the rule of law, the legitimacy of law, and so on. But these issues can not be evaded, because that the correct answer would be a guidance to "the rule by law".I studied metrology’ and standards’ process and want to find a conclusion. Metrology and standards have the main features of law, and they have a large number of legal materials, we can study it from this perspective.This article is divided into three parts. In the first part, I reviewed metrology’ and standards’ evolutional process. The process of legal metrology is this: first recorded thing with rope, then Qin Emperor unified metrology, then the metric system was founded, then "International System of Units" was established in the global promotion; The process of standards is: first primary agricultural production standards, then the emergence of a large number of industrial standards, then many countries enact national standards, ultimately international standards is widely accepted. The legalized process has some regularity. The first part prepares materials for the second part. In the second part, I first analyzed metrology’ and standards’ evolutional process. From groups agreement to regional legislation to national legislation to international harmonization, it’ wide acceptance is based on consensus. I analyzed the reason which international standards are accepted by nation. International standards are voluntary, so it’ wide acceptance is based on a common recognition and consensus. Technical standards are rules that regulate and adjust people’s behavior. From metrology’s and standards’ evolutional process, we can clearly find that law is a consensus on the origin process and evolutional process. And the consensus theory can successfully explain law’s legitimacy. If no consensus rules would not be viable; Finally I stated the necessity of translating consensus into law and the underlying causes which affected consensus. In part III, I brief analyzed the other theory of legal origin. The theory of "will of the ruling class" dominated our legal process, so it will hinder the establishment of "the rule by law". Final I summarized entire contents. I find that our country’ standardization system is incompatible with consensus. I drew a conclusion that consensus is the base of law.

【关键词】 计量标准共识法律起源
【Key words】 metrologystandardsconsensuslegal origin
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【下载频次】101

