

【作者】 王卫星

【导师】 吴耀华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 系统工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 仓库是物流系统运行的主平台,也是物流系统中货物逗留时间最长、产生成本最多的地方,仓储系统设计合理与否,直接影响到物流系统的效率和成本。 有关仓储系统设计的理论虽然很多,但是它在应用上的复杂性和它理论上的相对独立性,使它们的实用性受到限制。而物流系统是一个开放的复杂系统,其中许多因素都有相关性,如果抛开这些相关性来对物流系统进行研究的话,往往会偏离实际。 仿真是一种伴随着计算机技术的发展而飞速发展起来的实验方法,是一种重要的优化和辅助决策方法,它利用软件将现实中的系统在计算机中真实的再现出来,而不必实地去建设一个系统;这样,就会缩短设计的周期、降低设计的费用、提高设计的质量。 本课题针对仓储物流系统的规划设计所存在的问题,利用三维仿真技术,开发一种简单,有效的仓储物流仿真系统。该系统实现了仓储系统的计算机仿真,应用于自动化立体仓库的建前规划,可以对仓库的布局以及货物的流动过程进行动态仿真,得到各种方案,帮助设计人员确定仓库布局的最佳设计方案。该系统作为一种开放式,可视化的三维仿真系统,具有可扩展性,可应用于自动化仓库的布局设计,提高设计质量和设计效率。 本课题主要工作是采用面向对象的方法,以VC++作为开发平台,利用OpenGL作为底层图形驱动程序,构造仓库布局场景,制作设备COM组件,开发出一种物流系统的仿真软件及通用仿真平台。物流仓储系统中的各种设备都是独立的COM组件,当有新的物流设备出现时,只需要重新开发一个新设备组件就可以。设备组件通过统一的接口与仓库场景之间进行通信,只要接口定义好,就可以与场景主框架进行通信,以达到仿真目的。

【Abstract】 The warehouse is the main platform on which the logistics system is running. It’s the place where the cargos spend most time and money in it. The reasonability of the stock system impacts the efficiency and cost of the logistics system directlyAlthough there are plenty of theories about the design of stock system, the complexity in the application and the independency in the theory make its usage limited. The logistics system is an open system with great complexity. Lots of its factors are related. If we research this system ignoring the relationship, the result will betray the fact.The simulation is a method of experiment. It grew up with the development of computer science. It is an important method of optimization and assisting decision. It reproduced the fact in the computer circumstance by software instead of constructing a real system to be analyzed. Thus, the cycle of design is reduced, the cost of design is debased and the quality of design is enhanced.In this paper, summary to the question that the layout design of the Storage Logistics System, we develop one simple, effective Simulation System with three-dimensional technology. By the computer emulation, we can lay out the Automatic Storage& Retrieval System before building, design the route of the ware and help the designer to confirm the best plan of the warehouse layout. As an opened, visual three-dimensional emulation system, the system have the characteristic of extension, when applied to warehouse layout design, it can not only improve designing quality, but also improve the efficiency of designing.What the paper finished is that constructing warehouse layout scene and making all kinds of equipment into COM(Component Object Model) With the object-oriented-programming techniques, in

【关键词】 自动化仓储系统物流仿真COM组件OpenGLVC++
【Key words】 AS&RSLogisticssimulationCOMOpenGLVC++
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】357

