

【作者】 路玉

【导师】 高益民; 董翠香;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 按揭制度在中国大陆实施已经十几年了,在这期间,有许多学者对其性质作了很多论著,对按揭的法律性质、制度设定、及相关制度完善等方面进行了详细的研究和论述,但是大多数学者都是从纯理论上来看待我国大陆按揭的本质问题,而忽略了按揭制度在中国大陆实践中呈现的特征。它虽有英美法按揭之名却无其实,虽有大陆法抵押、权利质押之实却无其形,所以本文基于按揭在我国大陆中实务操作的基础,分不同的情况进行了不同的定位,这不仅有利于人们对按揭的认识,也有利于立法学者用现有的法律框架规制按揭制度。 本文分为四个部分,本文先论述了按揭制度的渊源,在此基础上分析了我国大陆按揭制度的法律性质,然后又分析了几种新型按揭,最后对几个与按揭相关的制度进行了研究分析。 第一部分从按揭制度的渊源出发,探索分析了按揭在英国产生、发展的历程及按揭在美国、香港法律中呈现的特色。 第二部分主要分析了我国商品房按揭的法律定性问题。由于按揭制度在我国大陆是先有实务操作,后有相关立法规定,所以要研究我国大陆按揭的性质,必须从按揭在我国大陆实务操作中出发。本部分首先从我国大陆按揭制度的构成和特征出发,详细探悉了我国大陆按揭的实践特征;其次在实践的基础上分析了国内出现的几种理论学说:让于担保说、抵押说、权利质押说及契约联立说。一、让与担保说。虽然我国大陆按揭转移按揭标的物某种权益的特征与让与以转移担保物所有权为特征的让与担保在形式上相似,但是因转移的内容不同而具有本质差异——按揭转移的是请求交付按揭标的物的一种期待权,而让与担保转移的是担保物的所有权;二、是抵押、质押说。按揭与抵押、权利质押在法律主体、法律关系、权利设定、实现的方式等形式上存在很大的差异,但是抵押和权利质押与按揭在某些方面存在相同的本质特征——现房按揭与期房按揭的后期阶段在本质上是抵押,期房按揭的前期阶段实质上属于权利质押;三、是契约联立说。此说认为按揭是商品房买卖关系、按揭(抵押)贷款关系、房地产开发商的保证关系及与保险公司订立的保险关系组合而成的一种独立交易方式。因此认为按揭属于债权的范畴,但笔者认为按揭虽然在某方面具有债权性质,比如期房按揭的前期阶段,但是从总体上来说按揭是一种担保物权,涉及到不动产物权的变动和担保等排他权和优先受

【Abstract】 Mortgage has been carried out in the Main Land more than ten years. During this period, many scholars have made many theories in the aspect of its legal nature, the establishment of mortgage rights and other relevant systems, but many of them ignore the characteristics of mortgage appearing its practicing in the Main Land. Even though it has the forms of Anglo-American law system, it hasn’t their nature. Even though it has the nature of hypothecate and pledge of Continental law system, it hasn’t their forms. Therefore this essay makes different qualitative analysis from different situations of the basis of the practicing characteristics of Chinese mortgage. This essay not only helps people make knowledge of Chinese mortgage but also helps the legislators standardize the system of mortgage under the frame of the current legal system.The essay is made up four parts. The first part analyzes the production of mortgage based on the origin of mortgage and summaries its characteristics appearing in English, America and Hong Kong. The second part is the most important part in the essay, in which it makes an analysis of the legal nature of mortgage of our country commodity apartment. Mortgage has been practicing in the Main Land before it is legislated. Therefore if we want to study the legal nature of Chinese mortgage, we must be on the base of its practicing characteristics. In this part, the first thing is to analyze and summary its practicing characteristics in China. The second thing is to mention few theories such as Conveyance, Hypothecate, Pledge and the Unit of Agreement 1. Conveyance. The practicing characteristic of mortgage that transfers some interests of the mortgaged property is similar with Conveyance’s character that transfers the proprietary tights. However they are different from their transferring rights. 2. Hypothecate and Pledge. Mortgage, Hypothecate and Pledge are different from their legal subjects, legal relationships, the way of its rights realizing. But on the other hand, they have the same nature that the mortgage of completed apartment and the second period of the uncompleted apartment have the same nature of Hypothecate and the first period of the uncompleted apartment is belong to Right’s Pledge. 3. The Unit of Agreement. This theory believes that mortgage is an independent way of trade composed of the sale relationship of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】240

