

【作者】 张艳花

【导师】 路遥;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 近代中国的落后挨打局面,既受政治、经济、文化等诸多因素影响,也与近代中国海防衰败相关。本文通过对近代德国重视海防,推行海洋战略的历史考察,进而与晚清政府在海防问题上的陈腐观念相比较,从而再现中国近代海军逐渐覆没、制海权丧失、海上门户大开的历史进程。通过比较以揭示世界列强尤其是英、德等海上强国入侵的内在原因,并阐明海防对中华民族安危的关键性作用。 本文以德国侵占胶州湾事件为背景展开,以往对德国占领胶州湾事件的研究,中外学者大多着眼于政治、经济、文化等因素的分析,很少有人从军事视角加以探讨。本文对比了中德两国政府对近代海军建设的不同态度及由此导致的国运兴衰,并由此论证:提高海防意识,建立一支强大的海军对于保卫国家的安全是至关重要的。 文章第一部分从海权的角度阐述德国侵占胶州湾的必然性,作为海权理论实践主体的德国海军的发展和活动将是本文论述的重点。本文通过中德海军的建立、发展及其活动的比较,论证中国清政府海防意识淡漠的危害。对此尝试从德国和胶州湾两个方面予以探讨:从德国方面看,19世纪末经济的迅速发展是促使德国对外策略改变的基本原因,这一方面以往论著已有较为详细的论述;思想意识方面的因素不容忽视,人们会惊奇地发现当时德国无论民众还是高层官僚在对外扩张方面几乎都是同一个声音,写作中参照了德国学者余凯思的有关研究;本文的重点是军事方面,即对德国侵占胶州湾的主体——德国海军的论述:从德国海军发展的历程看,它的对华活动受到了当时德国政府部门高层官僚尤其是被称为“海军之父”的蒂尔皮茨的重要影响;德国海军部对胶州湾的占领是这部分论述的另一个重要方面,本文试图论证德国海军的发展及其活动是影响德国侵占胶州湾的诸多因素中不可忽略的一个极其重要因素,尤其是德国高层对海军的决策,不仅影响德国海军在华活动,而且对世界局势的改变也起着举足轻重的作用。 文章第二部分论述胶州湾事件,德国之所以会选择侵占胶州湾,与胶州湾独特的地理位置有关。本文通过德国选择海军基地的一系列活动,展现德国最终选择胶州湾的政治和地理原因。

【Abstract】 Not only political, economic and cultural factors influence the decline of modern the latter Qing dynasty, but also the deterioration in coast defense leading to the ruin of latter Qing dynasty. Comparing with the navy’s history of the German and that of the latter Qing dynasty ,we can see that the comprehensive support of the Germany government promotes the development in German navy and coast defense ,.and verse vice. While the moldering concept in coast defense and the neglect in navy development accelerate the falling of the latter Qing dynasty, which results in overwhelming to the navy of Qing dynasty.. Through describing the different fate between the German navy and the Qing navy, the article tries to bring forth the internal reason why the world sea powers, for example, British and Germany, have the capacity to invade the Qing dynasty and to illustrate the importance of coast defence to the security of Qing dynasty and to prove that the ruin of Qing dynasty has connected with the deterioration in coast defense.The first part of article, from the sea power theory, elaborates the inevitability of Germany invading Jiaozhou Bay. Through comparing to the Chinese and German navy’s establishment, the development and its activities, the article proves that the ignorance of Qing government in coast defense does harm to the reign of Qing dynasty.The second part elaborates the Jiaozhou Bay event,. German Admiralty focus on Jiaozhou Bay because of the unique geographical position of Jiaozhou Bay. This article unfolds the politics and the geography reason why Germany finally choose Jiaozhou Bay.The third part depicts the condition and the strategy in the latter Qing dynasty government’s coast defense , Comparing the naval power between German navy and the Qing navy ,the article points out that Germany positively develop the seapower

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】K251;K29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】264

