

Study on the Ecotourism Planning of Xianghai Natural Reserve

【作者】 史建军

【导师】 张大红;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业蓬勃发展对生态环境的影响日益增加。随着人们对环境问题的普遍重视以及对自然环境的兴趣和环境保护意识的不断增强,生态旅游应运而生了,并被认为是最为理想的旅游模式。生态旅游为自然保护区注入了新的生机和活力,而实践中存在的问题值得深思,缜密的规划是解决问题的关键。 本文对生态旅游与生态旅游规划的相关研究进行了概括和总结。介绍了生态旅游及其规划的理论依据;探讨了生态旅游的概念、特征、资源分类以及影响等;阐述了生态旅游的规划原则、规划程序和模式等方面的研究进展。 向海自然保护区具有宜人的气候条件、宽阔的水域和丰富的动植物资源,开展生态旅游具有得天独厚的优势,但是该保护区目前不仅旅游数量锐减,而且生态环境严重恶化。本论文在对向海自然保护区旅游资源评价和客源市场分析的基础上,遵循生态旅游的内涵,按照生态旅游的规划程序,对其未来10年的旅游发展提出初步设想和简单的规划。规划景区共八处,分别是仙乡鹤岛、向海博物馆、敖包山遗址、长龙观鸟站、白沙滩浴场、生态示范园、黄榆观赏区和乌兰塔拉遗址。 本文的主要结论有两方面。理论方面,发展中国家应该采用生态旅游与大众旅游相结合的旅游形式;刻意追求环形布局会对保护区的生态环境造成严重破坏。实证方面,向海自然保护区完全可以依托其现有的旅游资源开展丰富多彩的生态旅游活动。通过可行的生态旅游规划,并采取有效的设施策略和旅游管理措施来加强管理和引导,不仅可以取得良好的生态效益和社会效益,而且还可以取得一定的经济效益,最终实现多赢。

【Abstract】 It is all known that the rapid development of tourism brings many adverse impacts on ecology and environment. Different from the mass tourism, ecotourism emphasizes the significance of environmental protection, advocates a tourist to enjoy the nature, and serves the community people. So it is regarded as one of the best tourism models now. Ecotourism brings new hope for natural reserves. But many problems existing in developing ecotourism deserve to be considered. Perhaps meticulous planning is key to solve these.In the article, the studies on the ecotourism and ecotourism planning are summarized. Theoretical foundations for them are introduced in detail. And then the concept, characteristics and influences of ecotourism are expounded. About ecotourism planning, these are highlighted as follows: principles, procedure, and models etc.Regardless of abundant resources of animal, plant and water, Xianghai natural reserve has to confront the sharp decline of tourist and environmental deterioration. On the basis of the resources evaluation and tourists’ analyzing, the article provides preliminary imagination, simple planning, and specific proposals of the ecotourism planning of Xianghai natural reserve in accordance with ecotourism essence and planning procedure in the coming ten years. Eight sectors are planned including Crane Island, Xianghai Museum, Aobao Mountain Relics, Changlong Watching of Birds, Sand Beach, Ecological Demonstration Area, Ulmus Macrocarpa Enjoyable Area and Ulan Tala Relics in the paper.In the last, it reaches two conclusions. In theory, developing countries adopt the combination of ecotourism and mass tourism and pursuing loop layout will destroy ecology and environment. In application, ecotourism exploitation benefits the ecology as well as the local social and economic development in the reserve with abundant resources on the conditions of elaborate planning, ecological protection, effective management and ecotourism guidance.

【关键词】 向海自然保护区生态旅游规划
【Key words】 Xianghai natural reserveecotourismplanning
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】806

