

Studies on Wounding Signal Transduction of P.Simonii×P.Pyramibalis c.v and Euphorbia Pulcherrima

【作者】 高海波

【导师】 沈应柏;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 植物学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 生物的信息传递是生命科学中引人入胜的研究领域之一,生物种内和个体内都存在物理和化学等各种信息交流方式。植株受到机械伤害或昆虫取食后,释放出的伤诱导挥发物能够向邻近的同种或异种植物进行报警信息的传递已经得到了证明,但是该领域的研究还处于起步阶段。以木本植物为材料,继续这方面的深入研究能使我们充分理解植物进化过程中形成的自身防御策略,为森林病虫害的生物防治提供理论依据。本次实验利用热脱附—气相色谱—质谱联用技术(TCT-GC-MS),研究了几种化合物对合作杨(P.Simonii×P.Pyramibalis c.v)挥发物的诱导能力。结果表明,合作杨对Z-3-己烯醛和E-3-己烯醛这两种构型不同的绿叶性气体具有显著的识别能力;乙烯在合作杨植株间信号传递过程中具有重要调节作用,它对Z-3-己烯醛诱导的挥发性信号物质的释放具有促进作用;单独的乙烯信号对来自于茉莉酸信号途径有关的挥发性组分的释放有抑制作用;苯骈噻唑和水杨酸甲酯对合作杨挥发性信号物质没有明显的诱导能力。通过伤诱导挥发物熏蒸的方法研究表明,健康合作杨植株接受损伤植株的气体报警信号分子后,其体内产生主动性的防御反应,启动了茉莉酸信号转导途径,导致具有生理生态功能的绿叶性气体、萜烯类挥发物大量的时序性释放,这种挥发物性气体释放的时序性规律表明,植株间伤害信息的完整传递不是一次完成的,己醛和1-己烯-3-醇这些熏蒸后早期释放的挥发性信号物质能够在植株间起到快速传递伤害信息的作用。试验表明,先前感受到伤害信息的合作杨植株遭受损伤时挥发性信号物质的释放量高于直接损伤的植株,接受伤诱导挥发物的合作杨植株具有记忆先前所处环境的能力。我们采用叶绿素荧光手段,以一品红(Euphorbia pulcherrima)为试验材料研究发现,植株损伤后不同部位FV/FM的变化存在异质性。据我们所知,这是目前唯一证明植物伤害信号在植物体内进行双向系统性传递的直观证据,表明植物体内伤害信号的系统性传递是通过多条途径来完成的。

【Abstract】 Bio-signalling transduction is one of the exciting fields in life science. There are variously physical and/or chemical modes for communication among organisms and their cells and organs. It has been well established that volatiles plays an essential role in plant-to-plant communication when the plant is mechanically damaged or herbivored.However the study of plant to plant signal transduction has few progress. In a word, studies used woody plants as materials will be important for understanding the defense strategies of plants and providing instruction for forestry pest biological control.With thermo-desorption cold trap transfer-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TCT-GC-MS) device, we compared effects of some synthesized compounds on volatiles emission of poplar trees (P.Simonii×P.Pyramibalis c.v).The result show that ethylene plays an important role in interplant signal transduction mediated by Z-3-hexenal by synergizing volatile signals emission in neighboring plants. However exposed to ethylene alone did not differently induced volatile signals emission. We found that either Salicylic acid or Benzothiadiazole did not have remarkable ability induced volatile signals emission.Based on our data, healthy poplar trees exposed wounding volatiles can activate defense responses, which are involved in the jasmonate signaling pathway. The result of this, healthy poplar trees produced large amounts of volatile terpenoids and green leaf volatiles, which may be, have important function of ecophysiology. Moreover, we had timing the volatiles release, and found that the volatiles were emitted in succession. Which indicated that plant-to-plant signal transduction was conducted through time after time. Hexanal and 1-hexen-3-ol that was released at early stage of damage may be fast transfer wounding signals in interplant. This shows that previous exposure of plants to volatiles from wounding trees results in a stronger response of plants in terms of volatiles emission when their had been damaged again, which indicated poplar trees exposed wound-induced volatiles had the ability of remembering previous environmental conditions.Besides, another experiments-Euphorbia pulcherrima as a material, with method of chlorophyll fluorescence, it was found that the change of FV/FM was heterogeneity.among damaged leaves and different health leaves. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence that wounding signal can be transducted through acropetal and basipetal direction in damaged plants, thus plants may have multiple pathways that enable long–distance systemic wounding signal transduction.

  • 【分类号】S763.7;S436.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】117

