

A Study on the Criminal Liability of Preparation for Crime

【作者】 袁公林

【导师】 杨凯;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 刑法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 预备犯,是指已经实施了犯罪的预备行为但由于行为人意志以外的原因,未能着手实行犯罪的犯罪形态。既然是一种犯罪,预备犯当然要负刑事责任。预备犯负刑事责任的根据是多层次的:其哲学根据是行为人在实施犯罪预备行为时所具有的相对意志自由;其实质根据是预备犯具有严重的社会危害性;其法律根据是刑法规定的预备犯的犯罪构成;其事实根据是行为人实施了符合预备犯犯罪构成的实际行为。 预备犯因其对国家和社会的利益构成了严重的威胁而应受刑罚处罚,但这并不表明所有犯罪的预备行为都应受惩罚,因为不是所有犯罪的预备行为都能构成预备犯。预备犯并不存在于所有的犯罪中,它只存在于直接故意犯罪中,而且也不是所有直接故意犯罪中都存在预备犯。此外,预备犯之应然责任范围受刑法谦抑精神的制约。 预备犯应当受到刑罚惩罚,但如何处罚预备犯,世界各国刑法规定并不一致。从古至今,预备犯之刑事责任原则大体上经历了一个:处罚→不处罚→以不处罚为原则、以处罚为例外的变化过程,中外刑法对预备犯的处罚原则在立法上表现为三种:同等原则、必减原则和得减原则。比较而言,必减原则体现了罪刑均衡的刑法基本原则。 就我国预备犯处罚之立法而言,立法模式比较粗糙,它使得我国刑法对预备犯的处罚范围之规定欠明确化,而得减的处罚原则又没有真正反映出预备犯的特征,违背了罪刑均衡原则。当然,造成这种缺陷有其深层次的原因。鉴于此,有必要对我国预备犯处罚的立法予以完善,采取总则概括规定与分则具体规定相结合的方式:在总则中规定预备犯的特征及其处罚的原则,并载明处罚预备犯以分则条文中有明确规定为限,再在刑法分则中对某些重罪规定其预备犯并予以处罚。

【Abstract】 Preparation for crime is the patterns of uncompleted offences, which the behavior person had been put into the criminal preparation but could not make the performance of offense with his external cause. As a crime, the preparation of crime must bear the criminal liability. There are many levels of basis that make the behavior person bear the criminal liability. Its’ philosophy basis is the behavior person at put Preparation for crime into practice has an opposite will for having freedom; Its’ quality basis of fact is Preparation for crime has danger to the society seriously; Its’ factual legal basis is the penal code that provides rule of Preparation for crime’s composition of crime; It’s fact basis is the actual behavior that the behavior person had put match up Preparation for crime’s composition of crime.Preparation for a crime must bear the penalty punishment because of it’s nation and social benefits. Composing seriously of threat. But it doesn’t express that all crime’s preparing action of crime should be crime, and Preparation for crime also doesn’t exist in all crimes. It exists only in commit crime directly and intentionally, and also It’s not all to commit crime directly and intentionally exsits Preparation for crime.Preparation for crime should be punished, but how to punish Preparation forcrime, the penal code’s provision in-conformity from all over the world. From thethou up now, Preparation for crime’s criminal liability make to experiencesubstantially: punishment → regard doing not punish as the principle and regardpunishing as the exceptional variety process. The Chinese and Foreign penal codemake to the punishment principle to Preparation for crime to express on thelawmaking for three kinds of: equal principle, necessary reducing principle, have toreduce principle, Comparatively, necessary reducing principle shows the principle ofthe proportion between crime and punishments of the basic premises of criminal law.As regard to our country’s Preparation for crimes in lawmaking, Its’ expressionis more roughly: the scope of Preparations for crime in the provision is unclear; theprinciple of reduction does not express Preparation for crime’s trait, and violate theprinciple of the proportion between crime and punishments. Certainly, there aremany other deeper reasons to these deficiencies. Owing to this, It is necessity toimprove Preparation for crime’s lawmaking: We’d better adopt the generalprovisions combining with the specific provisions, rule the principle between

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】234

