

【作者】 程勇

【导师】 伍林; 张雄;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 天体物理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 活动星系核AGN是近年来天体物理学中非常活跃的研究领域,涉及到天体物理学最基本的问题,活动星系核的研究在能量产生,辐射机制和宇宙论等基本问题中占有重要的地位,正因为如此,国际上越来越多的力量投入到这一领域的理论和观测研究。活动星系核是难得的能同时从射电到γ射线波段辐射的天体。多波段观测是全面理解其中结构、物理过程以及了解各亚天体关系的基础。Blazar天体是射电噪AGN,是活动星系核的一个“子类”,以快速光变、高且变化的偏振和高光度为特征,它们是核主导的平谱射电源。它们在所有的AGN中光变时标最短、光变幅度最大。 本文综述了活动星系核的特征和主要的辐射机制,并介绍了离散相关函数,收集了119颗有γ噪的Blazar天体样品(97个平谱射电类星体和22个BL Lac天体),用离散相关函数(DCF)方法分析了1GeVγ射线辐射流量(最大值、最小值和平均值)与8.4GHz射电流量之间的相关性。获得的主要结果为:在119个Blazar天体和97个平谱射电类星体中,γ射线辐射流量的最大值以及平均值和射电辐射流量之间有相关性;而γ射线辐射流量的最小值和射电辐射流量之间没有相关性。结果表明,γ射线和射电辐射都来自喷流,γ射线很可能产生于同步自康普顿(SSC)过程。并且用同样的方法分析了156个Blazar天体的多波段辐射流量之间的相关性。

【Abstract】 Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are very active researching-fields in astrophysics in recent years. They are related to the most fundamental problems in astrophysics. The research of Active galactic nuclei is very important in many fundamental problems, such as producing-energy, radiation mechanisms and theory of the universe. Therefore, many people devote themselves to the theoretical and observational studies in this field. Active galactic nuclei are rare objects in radiation from radio to y-ray at the same time. Multi-band observation is the foundation of the full understanding of which structure, understanding of which the physical process and the relation of sub-objects. Blazar is radio-loud active galactic nuclei. They are subset of AGN and are characterized by the rapid variability of light, strong and variable linear polarization and in any observed energy band. They are core-dominated, flat spectrum radio sources. The timescale of them is shortest in all AGN and the amplitude of variability of light is the biggest.In this thesis, the properties and radiation mechanisms of active galactic nuclei (AGN) were reviewed. Then I introduced the Discrete Correlation Function (DCF) simply. And at the end, we collected 119 y -ray-loud Blazar(97 flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and 22 BL Lacertae objects (BL Lac)), and investigate respectively the correlation between the y-ray emission (maximum, minimum, and average data) at 1GeV and the radio emission at 8.4 GHz by discrete correlation function (DCF) method. Our result shows that the y-rays are associated with the radio mission from the jet, and that the y-ray emission is likely to have come from the synchrotron self-Compton model (SSC) process in this case. And then I analysis the multi-wave bands correlation of 156 Blazar using the

【关键词】 Blazarγ射线射电辐射相关光变
【Key words】 Blazary-rayradio emissioncorrelationvariability
  • 【分类号】P157.6
  • 【下载频次】130

