

【作者】 陈姚

【导师】 王金亮;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)是一种大型食草动物,现存4个亚种,即指明亚种(B. taxicolor. taxicolor)、秦岭亚种(B. taxicolor bedfordi)、四川亚种(B. taxicolor tibetana)和不丹亚种(B. taxicolor whitei),是亚洲特有的大型兽类,与大熊猫(Ailorupoda melanoleuca)、金丝猴(Rhinopithecus spp)一道,被称为中国高山林型中的三大珍贵动物。羚牛由于仅产于东亚和南亚,是我国一类保护动物,具有极大的科学研究价值。高黎贡山位于中缅交界地带,地处横断山区南段,介于24°40′-28°30′N和97°30′-99°00′E之间,其范围是中国怒江(萨尔温江)和缅甸恩梅开江(伊洛瓦底江的上游)之间的分水山脉和山地两侧地域。高黎贡山是我国具有全球意义的生物多样性分布中心之一,是羚牛指名亚种的最主要分布中心。 随着人类活动范围的不断扩大,生境格局改变与破碎化已成为珍稀野生动物生存发展的最大威胁。在实际的研究中,由于野生动物迁徙和活动区域自然条件的复杂性,传统动物学单一野外调查研究方法已难以解决生境破碎化及生境恢复的优化问题,3S技术的出现和运用,为综合开展野生动物生境研究提供了条件和支持。本文以高黎贡山羚牛为研究对象,尝试利用空间统计学的理论和方法对研究样地内影响羚牛生存的影响因子进行空间自相关性分析,以及对1974~2002年近30年研究样地景观的异质性进行了分析,并通过影响因子的确定构建高黎贡山羚牛的生境适宜性评价体系,提出羚牛生境恢复及规划设计方案。 本文主要的研究内容如下: 1、生境因子空间自相关性分析 以高黎贡山羚牛为研究对象,在GIS技术支持下,运用空间统计学的理论和方法,对野外调查初步选定的影响羚牛栖息和分布的因子进行了初步的空间相关性分析研究,结果表明生境因子变量:土地覆被类型、海拔、坡度、道路和居民点为影响高黎贡山羚牛栖息和分布的主要因素。 2、生境异质性及空间格局分析 利用多时段遥感数据,借助归一化植被指数NDVI,采用系统规则采样方法和地统计学分析方法,研究了高黎贡山中南部地区过去近30年羚牛生境格局的异质性变化。结果表明:(1)自1974年到2002年,研究区羚牛生境由典型的自然植被景观逐步变为自然植被景观、农业景观和城镇景观相混合的景观类型;(2)随着人类活动的加剧,自1974年到1991年生境的连续性减弱,破碎化程度加剧;(3)地形条件、当地城镇经济发展的走向和城镇行政影响力等因素对于研究区生境格局的空间变化有显著的影响。 3、野生动物生境恢复及规划研究 利用不同时段遥感数据提取的NDVI图进行彩色合成,以直观地反映地表植被的变化;通过对NDVI合成图进行色彩变换得到色度、饱和度和亮度分量,利用色度与饱和度分量进行分类,得到地表植被变化类型图,对研究区植被变化类型、强度和分布状况进行定量分析。结果表明:研究区域内城镇周围的地面森林植被明显出现了退化现象。森林植被变化不显著

【Abstract】 Takin (Budorcas taxicolor) is a sort of large herbivorous animals, which involves four existent subspecies: B .taxicolor .taxicolor, B. taxicolor bedfordi, B. taxicolor tibetana and B. taxicolor white. It’s the special large animal in Asian, and is called the three rarest animals with panda(Ailorupoda melanoleuca)and snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus spp)inhabited in alpine mountain forest in China. Because of the only inhabited area in the East Asian and the south Asian, Takin is the first class protected animal and has an important to the scientific study. Gaoligong Mountains lies in the broad areas between China and Burma where belongs to the south part of Henduan Mountains. The latitude is 24° 40’ - 28° 30’ N and 97° 30’ - 99° 00’ E. The regions included the wide areas between the Nujiang River watershed and Nmai Hka River. Gaoligong Mountains are one of the distribution centers of species diversity, which have the global meaning in China and the best important distribution center of B .taxicolor .taxicolor.With the expansion of human activities, the change of habitat pattern and the fragmentation have became the supreme threaten to the living development of rare wide animals. In the field study, due to the complexity of wide animals’ migration and regional physical conditions, the traditional methods of zoological field work are hard to deal with the problems of habitat fragmentation and restoration. The appearance and application of 3S technology provide the support to the general study of wide animal habitat. In this paper, the author takes the Takin of Gaoligong Mountains as study object, attempts to use the theory and methods of spatial statistics to analyze the spatial autocorrelation of Takin habitat factors in study sampling area, and the landscape heterogeneity in study sampling area from 1974 to 2002, nearly 30 years. And based on the confirmation of influence factors, the author sets up the assessment system of the habitat suitability of Gaoligong Mountains Takin, and brings forward the blue print of habitat restoration and plan.The main contents of this study are as follows:1. The spatial autocorrelation analysis of Takin habitat factorsWith the case study of Gaoligong Mountains Natural Reserve, the paper provided a quantitative method to analyze the influencing factors to the Takin (Budorcas taxicolor) habitat, using spatial statistics based on GIS. The paper analyzed the spatial autocorrelation of identifying potential variables, confirmed the main influencing factors including land cover, elevation, slope, road and resident, and provided scientific recommendations for the protection and management of Gaoligong Mountains Takin.2. The analysis of habitat heterogeneity and spatial patternBased on the multi-temporal landscape remote sensing study data in mid-south Gaoligong Mountains areas, with the using of a spatial variance, NDVI, mesh sampling method and

  • 【分类号】X171.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】188

