

Physio-ecological Responses of Davidia Involucrate to Water-saving Measures

【作者】 薛波

【导师】 李贤伟;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用三因素五水平二次通用旋转组合设计方法,建立了CaCl2(氯化钙)、SA(水杨酸)、保水剂与水分胁迫过程中珙桐(Davidia involucrate Baill.)幼苗抗旱性综合分之间的效应模型,经检验二次回归模型均拟合较好。通过对模型的频数分析、因素主次、主效应和交互效应以及幼苗的生理生态响应等分析得出: (1)三因素取95%的置信区间的最佳抗旱节水栽培措施组合分别为:CaCl2 1106.700~1484.880mg·L-1、SA 31.122~54.115mg·L-1、保水剂434~604ml·pot-1(控水第1d);CaCl2 998.460~1391.820mg·L-1、SA 33.545~58.262mg·L-1、保水剂485~638ml·pot-1(控水第5d);CaCl2 958.860~1368.720mg·L-1、SA 41.510~67.253mg·L-1、保水剂560~677ml·pot-1(控水第10d);CaCl2 857.220~1302.720mg·L-1、SA 41.962~69.265mg·L-1、保水剂625~712ml·pot-1(控水第15d);CaCl2 881.640~1311.300mg·L-1、SA 42.865~68.280mg·L-1、保水剂623~704ml·pot-1(控水第20d)。本试验所建立的珙桐幼苗抗旱节水措施模型以及由此决策出的最佳农艺方案,对同类气候、苗龄和土壤条件的地区的珙桐栽培管理具有实用价值和指导意义,对于大面积引种珙桐或其他园林绿化树种的抗旱节水措施的筛选具有参考价值。 (2)水分胁迫过程中,CaCl2、SA和保水剂对珙桐幼苗抗旱性的影响均呈正向作用,三因素对珙桐幼苗抗旱性综合分的作用大小依次为:SA>CaCl2>保水剂(控水第1d)、SA>CaCl2>保水剂(控水第5d)、SA>保水剂>CaCl2(控水第10d)、保水剂>SA>CaCl2(控水第15d)、保水剂>SA>CaCl2(控水第20d)。即CaCl2和SA提高了珙桐幼苗在水分胁迫前期对土壤水分的利用,而保水剂对水分胁迫有缓效作用,在胁迫后期使土壤维持了较高的水分含量,增加其抗旱性。 (3)CaCl2和SA在超过一定施用量时,会对珙桐幼苗抗旱性综合分带来负效应,降低其抗旱性。在叶面喷施CaCl2 0.000~2220.000mg·L-1或SA 0.000~138.120mg·L-1时,它们的效应均表现为先升后降的趋势,仅当叶面喷施2220.000mg·L-1的CaCl2时,在胁迫后期(15~20d),SA效应基本保持下降趋势,为负效应。而在水分胁迫初期(1~5d),保水剂效应不明显或为负效应,但是随着胁迫的加剧,保水剂的增效日

【Abstract】 Using the design of quadratic regression general rotation including three factors, five levels, the basic models of efficiency were established between CaCl2, SAC salicylic acid), hydrogel and synthetic value of drought resistance components of Davidia involucrate, and the quadratic regression models were simulated closely with reality by testing. The results of frequency analysis, successive order of different effecting factors, principal effects analysis, interactive effects analysis and physio-ecological responses of Davidia involucrate to water-saving measures indicated:(1) When the three factors of CaCl2, SA, hydrogel were in the confidence limit of 95%, the optimal combination in cultivation and management for drought resistance of Davidia involucrate were as follows: 1106.700-1484.880 mg·L-1 CaCl2, 31.122 -54.115mg·L-1 SA, and 434-604 ml·pot-1 hydrogel (the first day) , 998.460-1391.820 mg·L-1 CaCl2,33.545-58.262 mg·L-1 SA, and 485-638 ml·pot-1 hydrogeKthe fifth day), 958.860-1368.720 mg·L-1 CaCl2, 41.510-67.253 mg·L-1 SA, and 560-677 ml·pot-1 hydrogel (the tenth day), 857.220-1302.720 mg·L-1 CaCl2, 41.962-69.265 mg·L-1 SA, and 625-712 ml·pot-1 hydrogel (the fifteen day) , 881.640-1311.300 mg·L-1 CaCl2, 42.865-68.280 mg·L-1 SA, and 623-704 ml·pot-1 hydrogel (the twenty day) . The test would be feasible and valuable to cultivation and management of the same climate, seedling age, soil condition. And it would be good guidance for the decision of water-saving measures in the introduction of Davidia involucrate and other garden plants.(2) The three factors of CaCl2, SA, hydrogel revealed significantly positive effect on drought resistance of Davidia involucrate. Impacting synthetic value of drought resistance components of Davidia involucrate, the orders of the three factors were as follows: SA > CaCl2 > hydrogel (the first day) , SA > CaCl2 > hydrogel (the fifth day) , SA > hydrogel > CaCl2 (the tenth day), hydrogel > SA > CaCl2 (the fifteen day), hydrogel > SA > CaCl2(the twenty day) . CaCl2 and SA increased soil water use at the initial of water stress. Hydrogel had readily-released to maintain higher soil water content to improve higher

  • 【分类号】S792.99
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】233

