

Study on Physiological and Cytogenetical Characteristics of Authentic (Daodi) Coptis in Sichuan

【作者】 向刚

【导师】 傅体华; 范巧佳;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 黄连为名贵的常用中药,具有清热燥湿、泄火解毒等功效,我国入药已有两千多年的历史。四川是味连、峨嵋黄连和三角叶黄连等的道地产区。它们大多数为栽培种,野生植株已不多见。在黄连的生产栽培过程中,药农发现三角叶黄连种子不能繁育,只能采用无性繁殖;同时它对生长环境要求严格,仅分布在四川峨眉山及其附近山脉,生长期也比味连长。味连为黄连属中在我国用药最广泛、栽培面积最广、产量最大的黄连种。而峨嵋黄连主产峨眉山外,在云南也有分布。据文献报道,这三种黄连的研究主要是针对栽培技术、鉴别、化学成分、药理作用、临床应用等研究,运用叶片气孔、细胞染色体和酯酶同工酶等方法对这三种川产道地黄连进行研究还未见报道。而叶片表皮是植物的最外部位,其特征能最快地反应外界环境的变化,运用叶表皮性状的多样性不仅可以探讨种间、属间乃至科以上分类单元的系统关系,也可用于分析植物形态结构变化与适应自然胁迫间的关系;细胞染色体能够反映出生物遗传和变异的规律及其内在机理;同工酶是基因的直接产物,其分子间差异主要反映了基因及时空表达的差异,这些结构的差异性和相似性在一定程度上可反映植物群体间演化关系。因此,本研究对采集的黄连按种名、采集地、生长年限、生长环境等因素分类,进行叶片表皮的气孔长度、气孔指数、气孔密度及气孔周围细胞数等特征研究;同时运用幼嫩叶片进行细胞染色体研究;采用不连续垂直板聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳系统对从新鲜根中提取的酶进行电泳分析,在为黄连属植物鉴别、分类、系统定位的进一步探讨等问题提供科学依据的同时以期能从中找到三种黄连原植物特点、遗传机理和相互关系以及三角叶黄连生长地点(区域)狭窄的原因,从而解释三角叶黄连种子不育且只能采用无性繁殖的原因。主要结果如下: 1.通过对味连、峨嵋黄连、三角叶黄连等三种黄连的叶片气孔长度、气孔指数、气孔密度及气孔周围细胞数等表皮特征观察研究,其数据分析采用单因素试验统计分析SSR测验和t测验分析相结合,结果表明黄连属植物气孔类型稳定;而气孔特征的稳定性较差,其随环境变化差异性较大,从而叶片表皮特征不能作为黄连属内的分类依据,具体原因还需进一步研究;同时黄连叶片枯萎时首先褪色变黄部位为气孔部位,而后叶片变黄枯萎甚至植株死亡等,从而在对植物生理生长研究时,气孔变化可作为一个很重要得指标进行研究。另外,从叶片表皮特征各项指标均表明地理环境变化对

【Abstract】 Golden Thread is a kind of Chinese traditional medicine herb which is used widely. It could remove damp-heat and deprive dampness, quench fire and detoxifies the body. The C.chinensis Franch, C. deltoidea C.Y.Cheng et Hsiao and C.omeinensis (Chen) C.Y.Cheng, which belong to Copitis Salisb and use as the traditional Chinese drugs, are remain with authenticity of a traditional Chinese medicinal plant in Sichuan. However the farmers found that the species of C. deltoidea C.Y.Cheng is highly sterile and its progenies depend only on the asexual reproduction, it was only distributed in a narrow region of the E’men Mountains, Sichuan. The C.chinensis Franch was distributed in low and middle of Yangtze River. The C.omeinensis (Chen) C.Y.Cheng was mostly distributed in the E’men Mountains and Yunan with altitude from 1600m to 2200m. It generally lives on the precipice or rocks with the damp environment. The leaf epidermal varied with the environment, which can be used not only to discuss the systematical relationship of species, genus et al, but also to analyze the relationship of the diversification in configuration and the adoption to natural intimidation. In biology, cell chromosome can show the law of inheritance and aberrance as well as the inherent mechanism. The isozyme is the direct product of gene. The differences in the isozyme molecules mainly show the diversity in the behavior of gene and in a certain extent show the evolvement in plant. Thereby, in this paper, three species of Coptis are collected from Sichuan and Chongqing, sorted by means of classifying, living places and growth ages etc. we study on the size of stomata, the stomatal index, the stomatal density and the cell numbers surrounding stomata. We also use the young leaves tips to study the cell chromosome, analyze the electrophoresis about the enzyme extracted from the fresh roots. The main results are summarized as below.1. The leaf epidermal characters of the tree speciese of Coptis, including size of stomata, stomatal index, stomatal density and cell numbers surrounding stomata, were examined. The results showed that no differences were found among species, however differences were observed within species on the stomatal feature due to the environment. Therefore, the leaf epidermal characters did not explain the systematic relationship in

【关键词】 味连峨嵋黄连三角叶黄连气孔染色体酯酶
【Key words】 C.chinensisC. deltoideaC.omeinensisStomataChromosomesEsterase
  • 【分类号】S567.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】314

