

Evaluation and Division on Value of Cultivated Land Resources in Fujian Based on GIS

【作者】 罗文光

【导师】 邢世和;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 土地资源管理, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类对耕地资源属性、数量、质量以及持续利用与保护研究的不断深入,人类对耕地资源的利用和管理已从注重数量、质量管理向价值量管理的观念转变。耕地资产管理的核心是其价值和市场定价,我国现阶段耕地资源管理和配置过程中,由于未全面考虑耕地资源的价值及其构成,加上耕地的农用经济效益远远低于其它产业用地,出现大量耕地资源向非农用地的转变,导致耕地数量的锐减,故要实现耕地资源的科学管理和合理利用,客观上要求对耕地资源的价值进行科学评估,为此,本研究以250×250m栅格为评价单元,借助地理信息系统(GIS)与数学模型集成技术,在福建省耕作制度和作物种植分区、耕地主要农作物用地适宜性及其生产潜力评价的基础上,分别采用收益还原法、替代法和模拟市场法对耕地资源的经济产出价值、社会承载价值和生态服务价值进行评价,摸清福建省耕地资源价值构成及其空间分异,进行福建省耕地资源价值分区,进而探讨完善我国耕地征用补偿的对策,为耕地资源合理利用和管理提供科学依据。研究结果表明: 1.福建省耕地资源适宜于种植甘薯、马铃薯、春大豆、夏大豆、花生、烤烟和甘蔗的用地面积分别为130.26万公顷、127.58万公顷、124.52万公顷、128.30万公顷、129.83万公顷、127.84万公顷和113.38万公顷,分别占全省耕地资源总面积的95.00%、93.04%、90.81%、93.57%、94.68%、93.24%和82.69%,可见,福建省大部分耕地资源均适宜于甘薯、马铃薯、大豆、花生、烤烟和甘蔗等农作物种植。 2.福建省耕地早稻、中稻、晚稻、甘薯、马铃薯、春大豆、夏大豆、花生、烤烟和甘蔗生产潜力均值分别为15113.529kg/hm~2、10072.556kg/hm~2、7958.340kg/hm~2、18363.824kg/hm~2、14121.678kg/hm~2、3723.690kg/hm~2、4154.630kg/hm~2、3290.777kg/hm~2、4909.41kg/hm~2和127290.398kg/hm~2,早稻高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占全省耕地总面积的23.90%、62.97%和13.13%,中稻高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占24.85%、60.86%和14.29%,晚稻高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占7.04%、57.32%和35.64%,甘薯高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占12.23%、44.44%和43.33%,马铃薯高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占18.50%、35.30%和46.19%,春大豆高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占11.85%、66.34%和9.14%,夏大豆高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占17.01%、30.91%和52.08%,花生高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占22.34%、68.35%和9.31%,烤烟高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占4.60%、42.98%和52.43%,甘蔗高、中、低生产潜力区面积分别占11.49%、75.48%和12.00%。全省主要作物生产潜力总体上呈现由东南、闽南向闽东、闽西和闽北减少的趋势,即闽东南、闽南沿海的福州、莆田、泉州、厦门和漳州市的作物生产潜力明显高于闽东的宁德及闽西、闽北内陆的龙岩、三明和南平市。 3.福建省耕地资源的经济价值、社会承载价值和生态服务价值的均值分别为109.88万元/公顷、163.88万元/公顷和31.63万元/公顷,各价值总量分别为2.90万亿元、2.22万亿元和0.78万亿元;全省耕地资源总价值为5.92万亿元,各设区市耕地资源总价值表现出以下变化趋势:福州市(7053.93亿元)>泉州市(6774.95亿元)>漳州市(6639.12亿元)>南平市(4570.49亿元)>龙岩市(4478.87亿元)>宁德市(4254.15亿元)>三明市(3916.01亿元)>莆田市(2909.00亿元)>厦门市(1234.06亿元);不同利用类型耕地资源的价值存在明显差异,旱地类和水田类耕地的价值均值分别为428.31万元/公顷和268.01万元/公顷;全省耕地资源经济、社会和生态价值分别占全省耕地资源总价值的35.73%、53.99%和10.28%,表明耕地社会价值和生态价值在耕地资源总价值中占有较高的比重,全省耕地资源高、中、低价值区面积分别占耕地资源总面积的4.29%、38.14%和57.57%。 针对当前我国耕地征用补偿中存在的征地补偿费未全面反映耕地价值,补偿标准低,忽略了耕地资源使用的时间价值和价值空间差异等问题,探讨了完善耕地征地补偿的对策。

【Abstract】 The view of the using and management for cultivated land resources has changed a lot from qualities and quantities to value management with the increasing studying on attribute,qualities,quantites .sustainable using and protection .Recently ,the main object of property for cultivated land was made up of value and market price , in the process of management and allocation for cultivated land resources, a great quantity of cultivated land has transformed to the non- farming use due to not reflect the cultivated land value completely , composition of cultivated land resources and cultivated land resources’economic benefit was far lower than non-farming use , these factors resulted in a sharp decrease for cultivated land amounts, so we should have an objective and scientific assessment on cultivated land resources’ value in order to achieve scientific management and reasonable utilization of cultivated land resources . So this study was used of GIS and mathematical model, the unit of evaluation is 250m×250m grid , based on the farming system division in Fujian 、 crops distribution in Fujian 、 the suitability for crops on cultivated land and cultivated land potential productivity , firstly , the anthor respectively used the income revivification method 、surrogate market method 、 contingent valuation method , evaluating the economic output value of cultivated land resources 、 the social capacity value of cultivated land resources 、 ecological service value of cultivated land resources ; Secondly , approaching composition of cultivated land resources in Fujian and the value obviously different in various regions ; thirdly, divising value of Cultivated Land Resources ; last , approaching for consummating countermeasures of compensation of cultivated land confiscation was useful to scientific management and reasonable utilization of cultivated land resources . The summary was following:In Fujian ,the area of suitable cultivated land of sweet potato、 potato 、spring sowing soybean、 summer sowing soybean 、 peanut 、flue-cured tobacco and sugarcane was respectively 1,302,600 hectare , 1,275,800 hectare、 1,245,200 hectare 、1,283,000 hectare , 1,298,300 hectare, 1,278,400 hectare and 1,133,8 hectare , which respectively accounted for 95.00%、93.04%> 90.81%、93.57%、 94.68%、 93.24% and 82.69% of the total area of cultivated land resources suitability in Fujian .So , sweet potato 、 potato 、 spring sowing soybean 、 summer sowing soybean 、 peanut、 flue-cured tobacco and sugarcane counld grow on many of cultivated land resources in Fujian.In Fujian , the average of potential productivity of early rice 、medium rice 、 late cropping rice 、sweet potato 、 potato 、 spring sowing soybean、 summer sowing soybean 、 peanut 、 flue-cured tobacco and sugarcane was respectively 15113.529kilogram per hectare, 10072.556 kilogram per hectare、7958.340 kilogram per hectare, 18363.824 kilogram per hectare, 14121.678 kilogram per hectare、3723.690 kilogram per hectare、 4154.630 kilogram per hectare、3290.777 kilogram per hectare、 4909.41 kilogram per hectare and 127290.398 kilogram per hectare , the area of high 、 medium 、 low potential productivity of early rice was respectively accounts for 23.90%, 62.97% and 13.13% of the total area of cultivated land, the area of high 、 medium 、 low potential productivity of medium rice was respectively accounts for 24.85%, 60.86% and 14.29% of the total area of cultivated land, the area of high、 medium 、 low potential productivity of late cropping rice was respectively accounts for 7.04%, 57.32% and 35.64% of the total area of cultivated land , the area of high 、medium 、 low potential productivity of sweet potato was respectively accounts for 12.23%, 44.44% and 43.33% of the total area of cultivated land, the area of high 、 medium 、low potential productivity of potato was respectively accounts for

  • 【分类号】F323.211
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】446

