

Study on Landscape Planning and Design of the City Entrance in Medium and Small City

【作者】 郑素兰

【导师】 梁一池; 陈钟;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 城市入口是城市的门户,是城市自身与外部联系的窗口和纽带。作为与外界物质、能量、及信息的交换与传递、流通的过渡区,已不仅是从城外到城内的通道,同时通过体验其空间布局、景观形态、风格韵味、环境结构这样一个巨大的空间信息场,成为了解当地文化风情、城市性质、自然地理和个性特色的最为快捷的窗口。城市入口景观的美丑直接影响到城市的形象。作为城市环境的重要因子,其独特的地理位置、环境背景及其功能需求,使得对其自身的环境质量与形象的建设也越加备受关注。 随着城市建设的不断发展,对城市入口景观建设的重视,产生了一个对美好、协调、有特色的城市景观的期望,也是一个现代城市注重自身空间意缘与人文精神的自觉表现。然而什么样的城市入口区域能够与城市的发展、建设相协调?什么样的城市入口区域能够与体现出城市特有的地方、历史和文化特质?什么样的城市入口区域能够融入城市生态的大自然环境中,并与之和谐的可持续发展?什么样的城市入口景观设计才是合理的、人性化的设计?本文吸取既有的理论成果,通过调查研究,主要针对目前我国中小城市的城市道路入口景观现状及景观设计手法进行分析。与相关实例城市相结合,对城市道路入口景观的规划设计问题进行探讨和研究。 (1) 通过具体城市的调查,分析我国中小城市城市入口景观的现状以及学科发展情况。 (2) 从城市入口的功能与入口空间形态的角度出发,将入口空间的景观组成解构后,通过对各景观构成要素进行分析及研究性设计。同时对加强城市形象整体统一性、城市的可持续发展和延续城市的历史文脉的、展现城市特色的城市入口景观等问题进行思考与研究,并提出了相应的解决方法。 (3) 在对城市入口景观要素和空间环境构成的分析后,提出了城市入口景观规划设计的基本原则,并提出了城市入口景观设计各阶段的内容与景观规划与设计操作方法。 (4) 通过对漳州市城市东入口的景观规划设计的试验性研究,来进一步说明这些理念、原则与方法的运用。

【Abstract】 City entrance is the gateway of the city. It is the windows and links between the city itself and the other city. As the exchange, transmission, transition region that circulate with external material, energy, and information, it has already not merely been the passway between the city with the outside. It becomes the most efficient window to interpret local culture, character of the city, natural geography and personal character through the space arrangement and display, landscape form, the charm style , environmental structure and the great individual nodes and all. Directly the landscape of city entrance influences the image of the city beautifully and uglily. As the important factor of the urban environment, its unique geographical position, environmental background and its functional demand make its own environmental quality and construction of image receive much concern..However, with the continuous development of urban construction, the entrance to the city building to the landscape, producing a beautiful, coordination with the expectations of the urban landscape, but also a modern city on its own space imaging and humanistic spirit conscious performance. But also it is the performance of a modern city on its own space imaging and humanistic spirit consciously. But which kind of city entrance coordinates with the urban development and construction? Which kind of city entrance can reflect unique local historical and cultural character of the city? Which kind of city entrance can be harmonious with the natural ecological environment and sustainable development? What is reasonable and humane design of the city entrance landscape? Learn the theoretical results and research the current status of the landscape of city road entrance and analysis the method of the design. Combined with relevant examples of a city, study and explore the issue which plan and design the landscape of city road entrance.(1) Adopting of specific cities survey, analysis of our medium and small cities as well as the status of urban landscape entrance disciplines developments.(2) From the perspective of the functional and space patterns of city entrance the landscape will be composed of figures in entrance space, Through the analysis of the constituent elements of the landscape in entrance space, we study and research the design. At the same time reflect and research to how to strengthen the image of the overall uniformity, the ecological and sustainable development of cities and how to extend the history and culture of the city and show the features of city in the city entrance. And made the corresponding solution.(3) By the analysis of a city entrance landscape elements and space environment , we suggest the fundamental principle of the city entrance landscape design, and propose the context on every phase of the landscape design in the city entrance and the operating methods on planning and design .- And made the corresponding solution.(4) Pilot study on the design and planning of the City East entrance landscape in Zhangzhou is to further clarify the concept, principles and methods of application.

  • 【分类号】TU985
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】594

