

【作者】 齐越

【导师】 贾冬;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 药理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:研究癫痫清片对动物癫痫模型的治疗作用。方法:通过癫痫清片对小鼠戊巴比妥钠阈下催眠剂量、延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间、自发活动、MES以及士的宁惊厥模型的影响,观察其镇静、催眠、抗惊厥作用;通过测定PTZ点燃模型大鼠大脑皮质和血清中NO、SOD、MDA含量,观察其对NO、SOD、MDA含量的影响;通过Lidocaine大鼠点燃模型的建立,观察其对脑内Glu、Asp、Gly、GABA含量的影响,进一步探讨Lidocaine大鼠点燃模型的作用机制。结果:癫痫清片对小鼠具有良好的协同戊巴比妥钠催眠的作用;可降低小鼠士的宁惊厥模型的死亡率;显著减少动物自主活动的次数;降低由MES引起小鼠惊厥发生率;降低PTZ模型大鼠脑皮质和血清中的MDA及NO含量,提高SOD的含量;可提高脑内抑制性氨基酸的含量。结论:癫痫清片是一个非常有开发前途的抗癫痫中成药。

【Abstract】 Objective:The therapetitic efect of Dian Xian Qing(DXQ) slice on epilepsy creatural model was researched in these expiments. Methods: Through experiments on "DXQ" slice of mice by low limen quantity amylbarbital sodium in hypnosis;pronlong amylbarbital sodium sleep time;self-moving activity;MES and strychnini nitratis model;quite, hypnosis and anti-eclampsia were observed;Through experiments on DXQ slice of PTZ model of rats, the content of NO、SOD and MDA in brain cortex and serum were mensurated, which were observed its infulence on NO、SOD and MDA. Through establishing the Lidocaine model of rats, the content of Glu、Gly、Asp and GABA were determined, which further studied the mechanism of the Lidocaine model of rats. Result:A fun -ction that DXQ slice is goodly in conjuction with amylbarbitol sodium to hypnotize, can reduce the death rate of strychnini eclamp -ptic model, decrease the times of independent activity and recede the eclamptic rate which to be caused by MES for mice;depress the content of MDA and NO, meantime raise the SOD content in brain cortex and serum of PTZ model rats. The DXQ slice can increase the content of IPSP in brain of Lidocaine model rats. Conclusion: The DXQ slice is a to have favorable developmental prospect very much in the patent antiepilepsy traditional Chinese medicine.

【关键词】 癫痫清片癫痫动物模型戊四唑利多卡因
【Key words】 DXQ sliceepilepsyanimal modelPTZLidocaine
  • 【分类号】R285
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】138

