

【作者】 孟莉

【导师】 贾天柱;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中药学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 白术为菊科植物白术Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.的干燥根茎,为临床常用中药之一,生用或炮制应用。白术的有效成分是挥发油,含量约为1.4%,其主要含苍术酮、芹子烯及倍半萜内酯类化合物白术内酯Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和8—β—乙氧基白术内酯Ⅲ等。白术中挥发油易散失,且苍术酮不稳定,见光遇热易自身氧化为白术内酯Ⅰ和白术内酯Ⅲ。据有关报道苍术酮是引起燥性的主要成分之一,而白术内酯Ⅰ、白术内酯Ⅲ具有健脾、抗癌的作用。白术炮制的目的恰恰在于使苍术酮转化为白术内酯,降低燥性同时提高其抗癌抑瘤、保肝健脾的功效。白术的传统炮制方法虽能促进苍术酮转化,但转化率较低,因此,有必要对白术的炮制工艺进行深入研究,从而找出一种“减酮减燥,增酯增效”、稳定可控、容易推广、适合大生产的炮制新工艺。本实验在参考大量文献的基础上,主要从以下四个方面对白术进行了研究。 首先,对白术传统工艺进行研究。比较了麸炒、麸煨、滑石粉煨及砂烫白术,结果发现,这几种炮制方法均能促进苍术酮的转化,其中麸炒法较其他几种炮制方法操作简单,容易控制饮片质量,能很好的保证饮片外观。因此,传统工艺以麸炒法为佳。 其次,首次采用多种辅料炮制白术饮片,在保证苍术酮转化率的前提下,还要考虑不能引入过多的其他杂质,所以,最后选定用DW作为辅料炮制白术饮片。对DW炮制工艺进行了单因素考察,以苍术酮、白术内酯Ⅰ和白术内酯Ⅲ的含量为指标,采用综合评分法优选出DW白术的最佳工艺:DW浓度为20%,温度为20~30℃,辅料量为0.7倍量。中试放大实验的测定结果与实验室小样的测定结果接近,故认为此工艺稳定可行。 第三,通过对白术生品及DW白术十批中试样品的水分、总灰分及酸不溶性灰分的测定以及重金属限量检查、砷盐检查、微生物限度检查等,初步制定了白术生品及DW白术的质量标准。 第四,对白术生品、麸炒品及新工艺进行了药效学研究。首次采用MTT法对白术生品及炮制品进行体外抗癌实验研究。急性毒性实验表明,采用最大耐受量法,用白术生品及其炮制品的水煎液和原粉给小鼠最大剂量一次性灌胃,均未出现死亡现象,为药物的不良反应提供了剂量依据,证明该药生品及其炮制品均无明显的毒副作用,服用安全。唾液淀粉酶活性实验表明,白术炮制后健脾作用增强,新工艺的白术健脾作用好于白术生品及麸炒品。体外抗癌实验研究表明,白术生品及其炮制品均有不同程度的抑瘤作用。

【Abstract】 Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. is the rhizoma of plant atractylodis. Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. is commonly used Chinese materia medica and distributed in the ZheJiang province and HuNan province.The earlist processing technology was "cook in water" in Tang dynasty.There are many other different kinds of processing methods for Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. .The method recorded in the pharmacopoeia of 2005 editon is stri-fried with wheat bran and stir-fried with earth. But stir-fried with wheat bran is its maily processing technology and the traditional processing technics for Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.are not changeless and unificated.So there is a great need to do the comprehensive research about Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. applying the modern techniques under the guidance of the theory of Traditonal Chinese Medicine,and unifying the processing method the found the new one,in order to provide the scientific evidence for the industry production and applying the grant number of Chinese Medicine.According to the amount of Atractylolide Ⅰ 、 Atractylolide Ⅲ 、 Atractylodes ,the new processing technology is optimized.After it was processed,the content of effective constituents increased significantly and the irritant constituents decreased. This method is scientificial and reliable for industry product.It supply foundation for quality control of Atractylodes.In this thesis ,we also studies on its pharmacological and quality standard.It was confirmed to be effective and processed samples were more effective than the raw one.The quality control standard of the Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. was developed,which has laid a good foundation for the normalization of prepared materials of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz. .

  • 【分类号】R283
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】597

