

Design and Implementation of Public Health Emergency Response Disposal Information System Based on Mobile Collaboration

【作者】 张利辉

【导师】 龚建华; 曹务春;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(遥感应用研究所) , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 突发公共卫生事件是指突然发生、群体性的、造成或者可能造成社会公众健康严重损害的重大传染病疫情、群体性不明原因疾病、重大食物和职业中毒以及其他严重影响公众健康的事件,具有突发性、危害性、不确定性等特点,需要相关部门立即采用应急措施,减轻突发公共卫生事件对居民健康和生命安全造成威胁,用最有效的控制手段和最少的资源投入,将损失控制在最小范围内。因此建立突发公共卫生事件应急反应辅助决策支持系统对于控制突发公共卫生事件具有重要意义。 我国的突发公共卫生事件应急反应系统目前处于探索阶段,没有形成完备的体系,公共卫生应急处置系统是其中的核心组成部分,随着移动技术的发展成熟,尤其是与空间信息技术的集成,为问题的解决提供了新的技术支撑,本文基于移动技术和虚拟地理环境,设计移动协同交互模型和应急处置信息系统的整体框架,重点实现基于移动设备的应急处置信息系统原型,实现指挥中心与现场处置人员之间的实时交流,与相关领域专家的协同会商,为突发公共卫生事件应急处置的开展提供信息交流和辅助决策的平台。本文的研究工作主要包括: (?)建立协同交互工作模型:把移动技术纳入虚拟地理环境系统平台框架,建立移动协同模型进行协同交互工作,实现四种不同的交互模式:S2S(Static to Static)实现分布在不同地方的指挥中心及相关领域专家参与讨论和问题决策。M2S(Mobile to Static)现场处置人员通过移动设备把采集的现场信息传输到决策端。S2M(Static to Mobile)指挥中心把处置方案及时反馈现场处置人员。M2M(Mobile to Mobile)现场处置人员间进行交互,共享有效的处置信息。 (?)基于移动协同的应急处置信息系统设计:基于虚拟地理环境技术平台,集成3S技术、计算机支持协同、无线通讯技术、计算机网络技术等现代信息技术,在移动协同模型的支持下,设计公共卫生应急反应信息系统整体框架;进行应急处置信息系统设计,对移动终端部分进行详细设计。 (?)系统实现及现场应用测试:以自然疫源性疾病——肾综合征出血热为例,基于系统详细设计,实现公共卫生应急处置信息原型系统。在研究人员的野外调查中,进行现场系统测试系统运行稳定,效果良好,并对系统存在的问题进行了分析阐述。

【Abstract】 Emergent public health event, such as outbreak of infectious diseases, emerging infectious diseases, serious alimentary toxicosis, occupational poisoning and so on, usually happen abruptly, devastatingly and uncertainly, and seriously affects the public health. In order to relieve the harms to public health and life safety, the most effective and least consumed measures should be taken. Therefore, it is of great importance to establish emergency response and decision-making support system for the prevention and control of emergent public health events.Nowadays, in our country, the emergent response system of emergent public health event is under exploration and development, and the disposal system of emergent public health event is the core part. With the development of mobile technologies and the integration with the spatial information technologies, it becomes possible to provide a potential to develop new techno-support solutions to the disposal of emergent public health events. Based on mobile technologies and Virtual Geographic Environment, this study designed a model of mobile collaboration and accomplished an emergent response disposal information prototype system. Based on the system, not only can the response headquarter communicate with the experts from different disciplines, but also with the public health specialists in real time. The major research work and achievements are as follows:1. Design of a collaborative work model. The study integrated mobile technologies into the system platform framework of Virtual Geographic Environment, designed a model for collaborative work, and implemented four communication patterns, namely, S2S (Static to Static), M2S (Mobile to Static), S2M (Static to Mobile),and M2M (Mobile to Mobile). S2S means the emergent response center communicates with the experts using computer in rooms, M2S is that fieldwork persons collect the information of epidemic situation and send them to the emergency response center using mobile equipments, S2M denotes the emergent response center sends the disposition measures to the fieldwork persons, and M2M means fieldwork persons communicate with each other and share the effective disposition measures.2. Design of emergent response disposition information prototype system based on mobile collaboration. Based on the Virtual Geographic Environment platform, and integrating with geo-spatial technologies, CSCW, wireless communication technique, and network technique, the emergency response disposition information system was

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】413

