

Study on the Technology and the Properties of the Tri-component Sirofil Composite Yarn

【作者】 杜梅

【导师】 左保齐; 周颖;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 纺织工程, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先研究了棉型Sirofil三组分纺纱时的生丝预加张力、生丝与须条间距、捻度、涤纶长丝预加张力等工艺参数的单一因素的变化对纱线性能的影响,这四项指标单因素都对棉型Sirofil纱线的性能指标如断裂强力、断裂伸长、毛羽、条干不匀、抗剥毛性能等,产生相应的影响。 其次,通过正交试验和方差分析,研究了生丝预加张力、生丝与须条间距、涤纶长丝预加张力、捻度等工艺参数对纱线性能的综合因素的影响,经过最优化试验与分析得到本试验下的最优工艺参数配置,即生丝预加张力15cN、生丝与须条间距8mm、涤纶长丝预加张力25cN、捻度73.6个/10cm。 对Sirofil三组分复合纱线与传统纯棉纱、涤/棉包芯纱以及两组分的丝/棉Sirofil复合纱性能进行比较,探讨了三组分Sirofil复合纱线的结构特点以及结构和性能之间的关系。 在现有的Sirofil复合纱理论的基础上,对三组分Sirofil复合纱的成纱结构、纺纱理论、纺纱工艺、力学模型、汇聚点以上纱线捻度做了进一步的探讨。本文认为汇聚点以上的两股须条的汇聚角不同,两股须条的捻度也不相等,但是捻向是相同的。本文还推导出汇聚点以上的两股须条的捻度。 对三组分复合纱线的断裂机理作了分析和研究。本文建立了一个四元件拉伸断裂模型,同时利用多项式回归分析进行了验证。

【Abstract】 First, the paper studies the influence of the single-factor--the Pre-tension of the silk, the space between the silk and the roving, the Pre-tension of the polyester filament, the twist of the Sirofil composite yarn on the properties of yarn. The single-factor of these parameters produces corresponding influence on the performances of yarn, such as breaking strength, breaking elongation percentage, hairiness index, yarn unevenness, slipping resistance, etc.Second, by an orthogonal experiment and the analysis of variance, the paper studies the influence of the comprehensive factors— the Pre-tension of the silk, the space between the silk and the roving, the Pre-tension of the polyester filament, the twist of the Sirofil composite yarn on the properties of yarn. then a optimum technical parameters of the Sirofil composite yarn was got by optimum experiment . that is: Pre-tension of silk 15cN, the space 8cm, the Pre-tension of polyester filament 25 cN, the twist of the composite yarn, 73.6tpcm.By comparing the properties of Tri-component Sirofil Composite yarn with the ring yarn, the polyester filament /cotton core-spun yarn and the silk/cotton Sirofil yarn, the relation between Structures and Properties of Tri-component Sirofil composite yarn has been studied.Base on the present Sirofil spinning theoretics, the structure of the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】TS104.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】170

