

Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of the Transmission System of the PQS-3-D Elevator for Car

【作者】 付春梅

【导师】 顾德裕;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市建设的不断加快和汽车数量的与日俱增,高科技的立体停车库已成为我国停车场所今后发展的趋势。汽车专用升降机作为立体车库的一部分,在停车行业中起着越来越重要的作用。但由于现在普遍采用传统设计的方法,很难保证停车设备的质量,因此立体车库在我国还未得到广泛应用。鉴于这种情况,在新产品的开发过程中迫切需要采用新技术、新方法。本论文就是在这种形势下,响应市场的需求和设计的需要,对PQS-3-D型汽车专用升降机的机械传动系统,采用动力学理论建模方法,进行垂直方向上的建模及分析。 本文首先对该升降机的传动系统,采用动力学理论建模方法,考虑了相关主要弹性元件的弹性,建立了该系统在垂直方向上的数学模型。根据传动系统中各零部件在Solid Edge软件中的三维造型,利用Solid Edge软件的物性计算功能,计算出各零件模型的质量、体积、转动惯量等动力学分析计算所需的各类物理属性数据。其次分析了该系统在刚性条件下稳定运行时各构件的运动情况,求得各传动构件的额定速度、额定角速度等。然后建立了PQS-3-D型汽车专用升降机传动系统垂直方向上的拉格朗日动力学方程,并根据厂方给定的轿厢速度、加速度以及跃度的最大值,按照轿厢速度运行的S型曲线反解求得激励矩阵。再利用数值分析软件MATLAB对该动力学模型精确求解,得出厂方需要的升降机从起动阶段至匀速运行一段时间之内,轿厢及其相关传动构件瞬时位移、瞬时速度以及瞬时加速度曲线,并且分析各输出曲线,计算结果与实际情况基本吻合。并将输出的瞬时位移曲线与系统在刚性条件下的位移曲线作比较,求出其两种条件下的位移差值。在此基础上,对影响该传动系统模型垂直方向上振动的参数进行分析。利用解出的时变刚度系数,反解求得额定载荷下的前五阶固有频率,并将它们分析比较,得出低阶固有频率对升降位置不如高阶固有频率敏感的结论;分空载、额定载荷以及125%额定载荷三种情况求出该传动系统的各阶固有频率,并比较这三种情况下的固有频率,得出低阶固有频率受轿厢载荷影响较大的结论。最后对传动轴1,2的扭转刚度系数提出修改建议,并将修改前后两种情况下的动态曲线比较,发现左右对称传动构件的动态特性差异明显减小。考虑到钢丝绳随着轿厢的升降具有的变刚度特性,输出了钢丝绳等效刚度系数随时间变化的曲线。并

【Abstract】 With the development of our cities and the steady increase of the quantities of cars, high-tech stereo-garage has become the developing trend of the parking location. As a part of stereo-garage, the elevator for car is playing an important role in parking industry. But due to the traditional designing methods which are generally adopted nowadays, the quality of the parking equipments can not be ensured, therefore stereo-garage has not been widely used in our country. Herein this situation, it needs new design methods to create the products faster. This paper establishes the model of the transmission system of the PQS-3-D Elevator for Car with the traditional approach of modeling and analyzes the model in vertical direction to meet the needs of market and design.In this paper, firstly, the deformation of flexible components is considered, and then the vertical model is set up with the traditional approach of modeling. The parameters of components, such as mass and the moment of inertia, are deprived according to their solid modeling in Solid Edge. Secondly, by analyzing kinematics of members when the system operates stably in the conditions of rigid, acquired velocity rating and rated angular velocity etc. And then, according to the requests of management, speed of car runs along S curve, inversely solute the stimulate matrix and establish Lagrange dynamical equation ofthe system. Then use the analysis software--MATLAB to make out the model accurately,and gained the instantaneous displacement, the instantaneous velocity and the instantaneous acceleration of the car as well as the relative driving component, besides analyze the deferent curves and discover that the curves accord with the practical instance basically. Also compare the instantaneous displacement with the one when without regard to the elasticity, and gained the difference value of the displacement in the two conditions. According the above work, utilize the rigidity coefficient which changes along with the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2006年 12期
  • 【分类号】TH211.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】342

