

【作者】 宋锦玲

【导师】 张舒予;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 读图时代的来临,人类社会由文字时代转向图像时代,视觉文化的研究价值日益凸现。 动画片是动态视觉艺术的样式之一,是视觉文化的一个重要组成部分,它凭借非凡的想象、夸张的表现手法,深受儿童、甚至成人的欢迎。 动画片的视觉元素包括三个方面:角色造型、动画场景、镜头语言。一部好的动画片,除了要用富有意味的主题内容,更要有打动眼球及心灵的视觉元素,包括形象鲜明的动画造型、过目难忘的动画场景和明快流畅的镜头语言。 动画片是潜在的有效的教育资源,其生动的视觉语言背后,隐含着丰富的教育内容,有利于对青少年进行民族文化的熏陶和民族感情的培育。同时,动画片突出的画面性特征能逾越国家、语言的障碍,将民族的优秀文化向全世界传播出去。在富于教育性的同时,动画片还有一个重要目的,那就是娱乐。娱乐是动画片生存下来与发展下去的理由,娱乐性不是动画片教育性的附带品,富有意味的主题绝不排斥愉悦观众的娱乐性。相反,娱乐性为动画片吸引观众,是动画片发挥有效的教育性的重要前提。 每一部动画片都或强或弱地带有民族文化的烙印,民族性与世界性也是并行不悖的,“越是民族的,就越是世界的”。如何处理好民族性与世界性、传统文化与现代文化之间的关系,在保持民族风格的基础上制作世界性的动画片,是一部动画片成功与否的重要因素,也是中国动画需要上下求索以达成的一个目标。

【Abstract】 With the coming of visual culture, our society has changed from word-centered to image-centered, and the importance of research of visual culture has stood out.As a modality of animated visual art, animated cartoon has outstanding imagination, exaggerated representation technique, and it’s deeply loved by children and even adults. At the same time, cartoon can biaze out excellent nation culture for its prominent image character that can overstep the obstruct of nation and language. What is more, cartoon is potential and efficient education resource. It conceals abundant education contents and is beneficial for breeding and edification of national culture and national feelings.The visual elements of animated cartoon include three points, that is, cartoon sculpting, cartoon scene and shot language. For a good cartoon, meaning subject is important, but appealing visual elements are vital. Vivid sculpting, memorable scene and fluent shot language can touch audiences from eyes to hearts.Entertainment is an important purpose of cartoon. It’s not the appendix of educational intention. On the contrary, amusement can absorb more audience and if s helpful for educational intent.Nation culture is embedded more or less into a cartoon. But nationality doesn’ t exclude the cosmopolitan. How to make a

  • 【分类号】J954
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】881

