

Research on Geomorphology Analysis Based on DEM

【作者】 王秀云

【导师】 陈晔;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 数字高程模型(DEM)是地理信息系统进行地形分析的基础数据。利用DEM可以提取地形因子,如坡度、坡向、高程信息、地表粗糙度、曲面面积、体积、水系、河网密度等。地貌学研究的重要内容之一是地形分析,主要包括高程剖面分析,坡度、坡向分析以及沟壑密度、切割深度、起伏度、流域分析等。在进行地形分析研究中,高程剖面分析能够直观反映地形表面形态。坡度是最重要的地形因子之一,是影响水土流失强弱的关键。沟壑密度是反映当地气候、地质、地貌的一个基本指标,对于水土流失监测、水土保持有重要的意义。地形起伏度、地表切割深度、地表粗糙度等反映地表的起伏变化和侵蚀程度的指标。因此研究地形因子的分布特点与分布规律等具有较为重要的意义。 本次实验的主要内容:以宁镇地区内二样区为例,利用1:5万地形图的矢量化等高线生成的DEM数据、宁镇山脉地质图经矢量化转换的栅格数据和1:25万江苏土地利用类型图转换的栅格数据,借助于GIS软件,根据空间滤波的原理,使用本人前期初步研究探索的一种方法,完成了不同地层部份地形因子的提取。最后利用相关分析法,图解分析,比较分析等方法对实验结果进行了探讨分析。并得出如下主要结论: 一、借助于空间滤波原理,使用DEM数据,可以方便快捷进行其它地理要素地形因子的提取。 二、DEM数据提取的地形因子分布在某种程度上反映构造地貌的特点,因此利用DEM数据可辅助地质构造的判读。 三、经相关分析得出不同地层的平均坡度与平均高程、平均起伏度和平均切割深度呈较强的正相关。沟壑密度与它们之间呈负相关,并以沟壑密度为中心,进行岩性分析,得出岩性是影响地形因子大小的重要因素。 四、对比分析了不同地层表面积与投影面积的关系,指出DEM研制技术的提高可为更准确的坡面土地面积的统计提供有力的技术支持。

【Abstract】 Digital Elevation Model is basic data of terrain analysis by GIS. Terrain factors such as slope, aspect, elevation, surface roughness, and so on, can be extracted by utilizing DEM based on GIS. The main content of Geomorphology research is terrain analysis, it includes such as height slice analysis, slope analysis, gully density analysis and so on. During terrain analysis, height slice analysis can reflect surface form of relief, slope is an important factor of relief, it is a key factor to impact on the water δ soil loss .Gully density can be used to indicate local climate , geology and geomorphology. It has an important meaning for surveying waterδ soil loss and sustaining waterδ soil .Surface rolling, surface incision, surface coarseness, and so on, can reflect change of rolling and indicate degree of erosion of surface. So, it has a very important meaning to research character and rule of terrain information distributing.Taking two samples in Ningzhen as examples, by combining the raster data of DEM, Geology and land use in research regions, the method extracting Geomorphology information of different Geology stratum was got by reference others’ scientific research and my own prophase research, mean elevation of different Geology stratum, mean slope of different Geology stratum, gully density of different Geology stratum, and so on, were finished calculating by GIS. Here DEM data were produced by digitizing the contour line. Geology data were got from geology map. Raster data of land use were generated by changing the 1:250000 vector data of Jiangsu land use. Then, correlation and illustration and comparison were used to analyze terrain data of different Geology stratum, some conclusions were drawn as follows:First, Terrain factors of others’ Geographical element can be extracted quickly and conveniently based on DEM by GIS.Second, To some degree, terrain information extracted from DEM can reflect Geomorphology of Geology formation, so it can be used to judge Geology formation secondly.

  • 【分类号】P931
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1785

