

【作者】 施海平

【导师】 周李民;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 从解放初期开始,我国各类学校就有针对性地制定了一系列的培养体育运动员的方针和政策,使得学校体育的运动训练和竞赛开展有声有色,并培养出一大批综合素质较高的体坛精英。但我国完全照搬前苏联发展竞技体育的模式,限制了基层学校的课余体育训练,影响了学校课余体育训练的发展和应作出的贡献。学校课余训练的任务之一是为我国体育事业的发展输送体育人才,主要有二个渠道,一是向省市代表队输送,成为高水平运动员;二是进入高等院校,成为大学生,从竞技体育的发展来看,十分需要学校课余训练能够培养出高质量的体育人才,促进体育事业的可持续发展,但教育系统和体育系统毕竟是两个不同的系统,目标不一致,学校非常重视在各级比赛中的成绩,很少考虑为竞技体育队伍输送体育人才,长期以来存在的两个系统相互脱节的问题至今未能得到妥善解决。田径运动在世界上是影响最大的体育运动之一,并且也是其他体育运动的基础,所以抓好中学田径训练是实现我国体育强国的战略措施之一。近些年来,随着学校体育改革的不断深化,一些中学的田径课余训练取得了长足的进步和发展。纵观一些世界体育发达国家,无一不是把中学田径课余训练作为发展本国竞技体育的主要基础。但是,从我国目前中学田径课余训练的情况来看,一个突出的问题是训练的质量不高,成才率低下。要解决这一问题,抓好中学田径课余训练的各个环节,是当务之急。 本研究全面地调查了上海市51所中学田径课余训练的现状,分析了存在的主要问题,并有针对性的提出了改善上海市中学田径课余训练的对策,研究发现:上海市中学田径课余训练中所存在的主要问题有:招生困难,经费匮乏,急于求成等问题,在对这些问题分析的基础上,提出了如下对策:实施“体教结合”工程,改革现行竞赛体制,注重科学选材,加大科学训练力度等对策。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of the liberation of our country, all kinds of schools and universities have made up a series of pointed guidelines and policies to bring up athletes in order to booster the development of the training and competitions of physical education in all kinds of schools and universities, and thus train some elite athletes. However, the sports development model our country copied Russia’ s has set limitation to the extracurriculum sports trainging of grassroots schools, hindered the normal development of schools’ extracurriculum sports training and the contribution that should have been made. Since the beginning of the liberation of our country, all kinds of schools and universities have made up a series of pointed guidelines and policies to bring up athletes in order to booster the development of the training and competitions of physical education in all kinds of schools and universities, and thus train some elite athletes. However, the sports development model our country copied Russia’ s has set limitation to the extracurriculum sports trainging of grassroots schools, hindered the normal development of schools’ extracurriculum sports training and the contribution that should have been made. With the continuing deepened reform in school P. E. these years, the extracurriculum training of track-and-field in secondary schools has made considerable improvement. Taking a look at some sports powers in the world, we can find that track-and-field extracurriculum training in secondary schools serves as the main basis of the nation’ s sports development. But from the aspect of the current situation of track-and-field extracurriculum training in our country, one problem stands out, i. e. the quality of training is low and the rate for trainees becoming athletes is also very low. In order to solve the problem, it is urgent to pay enough attention to every links of track-and-field extracurriculum training in secondary schools.After making a full research in the current situation of the track-and field extracurriculum training in 51 middle schools in Shanghai, I have found the main existing problems and accordingly proposed countermeasures for improvement. The research shows that the main problems existing in the track and field extracurriculum training includes: difficulties in students’ recruitment, financing problem, over-anxiety for success, etc. Based on the analysis of these problems, this paper has proposed the following countermeasures: 1) to implement the project which suggests combining sports with education; 2) to make reform to the current competition system; 3) to pay more attention to the scientific selection of sports talents; 4) to strengthen scientific training.

  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】606

