

【作者】 刘涓涓

【导师】 彭志敏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 罗忠镕是有影响和有成就的中国当代作曲家。艺术歌曲一直贯穿他的创作之中,对其独特音乐个性的形成有着举足轻重的作用。罗忠镕还是我国新音乐创作的代表性人物之一。他的艺术歌曲将中国风格与众多新兴作曲技术有机结合,为后人在处理古今、中外音乐的关系上提供了可资借鉴的样本。本文以罗忠镕的21首艺术歌曲为研究对象,以本人对罗氏的三次访谈为基础,从“歌词的内容与形式”、“人声旋律的写作技术与演唱要求”和“钢琴写作技术”三方面,采取将背景性研究、关联性研究和技术性研究相结合的方式进行观察和分析。在此基础上,本文还对罗氏艺术歌曲的演唱处理提出了自己的看法,以期能有更多的人并从更多的方面了解和演唱这些艺术珍品。罗氏艺术歌曲所用的歌词题材强调诗词作者的内心体验。这种选材结果,也可看作是罗氏本人世界观、人生观、价值观和美学观的折射。罗氏艺术歌曲中的人声旋律写作技术,沿袭了中外传统艺术歌曲的歌唱性特征;其“声乐化”处理与“新维也纳乐派”的艺术歌曲一样,重视作曲技术与诗词内容的一致,而不追求炫耀人声技巧。他在钢琴声部写作中实验了多种新方法,在构思与处理上体现出与德奥观念相一致的严格秩序意识。罗忠镕的艺术歌曲创作是他本人在创作中追求“技术化”、“中国化”、“音乐化”和“声乐化”的重要体现;是中国传统“无我”美学思想的反映;是中国艺术歌曲中的一支奇葩;也是中国新音乐创作的一项重要成果。

【Abstract】 Luo Zhongrong is an accomplished contemporary Chinese composer and one of the representatives of Chinese new music. Throughout his career, Luo wrote art songs that reflected his unique musical personality. Luo consciously fused Chinese characteristics with many new compositional techniques in his art songs, which provide valuable examples for the future generation to study the relationships between the music of old and new, and of Chinese and Western.The subject of this paper focuses on Luo’s twenty-one art songs. The three areas; text, vocal writing, and piano writing, are analyzed through studying composer’s background, the inter-relationship among his works, and techniques used. Specific opinions regarding the interpretation are given, in hope that they provide more information for those who desire performing these fine works.The texts of Luo’s art songs reflect his philosophy and aesthetics. His melodic writing has a singing quality that continues the tradition of the conventional art song. Just as in the art songs of the second Viennese school, Luo’s vocal writing emphasizes using innovative compositional technique, and aims at expressing the text content, not the virtuosity. In his piano accompaniment writing, Luo experimented with many new techniques that exhibit the same strict orderly ideals as the music of the German and Viennese composers.Luo Zhongrong’s art songs are important manifestation of his musical character. They are unique works among the Chinese art song genre, and they are valuable achievements in new music compositions in China.

  • 【分类号】J605
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】648

